- 基于quartusII利用VHDL语言实现逻辑与门的仿真并分析延时的影响-Based on quartusII using VHDL language to achieve logic and gate simulation and analysis of the impact of delay
- 基于quartusII利用VHDL语言实现数据选择器的仿真并分析延时的影响-Based on quartusII using VHDL language to achieve data selector simulation and analysis of the impact of delay
- VB编写程序,通过CY7C63000芯片实现与USB通信的示例。是学习软硬件接口的好代码-VB prepared by CY7C63000 chip to achieve communication with USB example. Learning hardware and software interface is a good code
- 这是一部关于描述altium designer10的书籍,通过此书籍的阅读,更好的设计电路图,为制作电路板,打下牢固基础。 -This is a book on the descr iption of altium designer10, through this book reading, better design circuit diagram, for the production of circuit boards, lay a solid foundation.
- DA9125 配置spi程序 正弦波产生-DA9125 configuration spi program sine wave generated
- 这是一个ARM的keil c for arm源码和proteus仿真电路图,大家可以拿来参考参考,玩一玩。-This is an ARM of the keil c source code for ARM and proteus simulation circuit diagram, you can refer to, and have some fun.
- 这是一个MCU的c 源码和proteus仿真电路图,大家可以拿来参考参考,玩一玩。-This is a c source and proteus emulation diagram for MCU, which you can use for reference and play.
- DM642 开发板简介DM642;处理器:600M 主频,4.8亿条指令每秒 SDRAM: 4Mx32x2bits, 内存最大支持64 位总线宽度,标配2 片128Mbit-DM64: 4Mx32x2bits, u5185 u5B5 u5B5 u5B4 u5B4 u5104 u5604 u7406 u5668 u5668 uFF1A600M u4E3B u9891 uFF0C4.8 u4EBF u6761 u6307 u4EE4 u6BCF u79D2
- 本文主要介绍了基于AT89C51的测温系统,采用温度传感器DS18B20和LCD1602,可实现对温度的采集与显示,并可任意设定上下限报警温度,自动报警。-This article mainly introduces the temperature measurement system based on AT89C51, adopts temperature sensor DS18B20 and LCD1602, can realize the temperature collection an
- 以单片机为核心的温度测量电路图,温度采集模块是TN901红外测温传感器-To single-chip as the core of the temperature measurement circuit, temperature acquisition module is TN901 infrared temperature sensor
- 自行车无线测速仪的硬件原理图,包含蓝牙,射频,温度,时钟,霍尔,液晶等模块- U81EA u884C u8F06 u653.0 u6E2F u6D4B u901F u4EEA u7684 u786C u4EF6 u539F u7406 u56FE uFF0C u5305 u542B u84DD u7259 uFF0C u5C04 u9891 uFF0C u6E29 u5EA6 UFF0C u65F6 u949F uFF0C u970D
- 单片机控制风机转速,吹起圆盘,并稳定在指定高度(SCM control fan speed, blowing disk, and stable at the specified height)