- 外汇三角套利主程序.v2.0 任意三种货币间的套利利润计算,计及手续费 VS2010-Triangular arbitrage main foreign exchange. V2.0 arbitrage between any three currencies of calculating profits, taking into account fees VS2010
- 可以用来对冲和套利交易欧美和磅美货币对,还可以自定其它货币对交易(It can be used to hedge and carry trades, European and American pound currencies, and to make other currencies Trading)
- 外汇智能EA.用于程序化交易,无需人工参与(good ea, MT4 can use it)
- 外汇ea交易系统,趋势智能交易,稳定,可以测试,了解。(Experts adviser, which include source code and some other info for you to understand,it's a good system will help you make money.ok)
- 外汇套利的ea,仅供学习,谨慎实盘。一次性奉献,多多回馈。(Foreign exchange arbitrage EA, only for learning, prudent real. One time dedication, more feedback.)
- 外汇套利EA,运行于MT4的一款外汇双货币对冲的ea,,仅供学习,谨慎实盘。(Foreign exchange arbitrage EA, which runs in MT4, is a foreign currency dual currency hedging EA, which is only for learning and cautious.)
- 外汇双货币差价套利,非常直观的显示指标,在做双货币对时非常的适用(Foreign currency double currency arbitrage, a very intuitive indicator, is very applicable when making double currency pairs.)
- 外汇套利,动态数据,爱好者自行下载研究,该ea适合15分钟(Foreign exchange arbitrage)
- 短线套利,此模板为顺势模板,不要在4H震荡时使用,外汇,黄金,指数,交易分析适用(Short-term arbitrage, this template is homeopathic template, do not use in 4H shock, foreign exchange, gold, index, transaction analysis applicable)
- 外汇市场使用代码仅供学习用,切勿盲目实盘(The code used in the foreign exchange market is for study only. Do not blindly make a firm offer.)
推荐-(永久免费)太极战法套利EA 5.23已更新
- MT4 EA (外汇自动交易程序) 大全,由网友及本人从网上收集而来。收录EA源代码438个,策略上包含了从基本的MA穿越到网格交易,时间上覆盖拨头皮到日周甚至月线交易, 可谓应有尽有。其中有些已经可以用于实战。有志于自动交易的同志们可不能错过!(This is a large collection of MT4 EA automated trading strategy including source code of 438 EAs which would cover any strateg
- 三角对冲套利策略是外汇、期货交易中常用的策略,把它应用到数字货币交易上,能带来非常高的收益,且交易的风险为零。无论市场涨跌,三角套利策略均能盈利。(Triangle hedge arbitrage strategy is a common strategy in foreign exchange and futures trading. When it is applied to digital currency trading, it can bring very high returns,
- 加载到欧美一分钟图上,每天大概20单左右,单单止盈止损,一单一开,不盲目加仓,一个月已收益50%(Loaded on the one minute chart of Europe and the United States, about 20 orders a day, only stop profit and stop loss, a single open, not blindly add positions, a month has earned 50%)
- 策略原理:它是两个直盘和一个交叉盘之间的相互对冲,也可以交叉盘之间的关联货币对冲。利用三种外汇对,合理交叉价格的暂时性偏离来实现对冲。 策略风险:由于外汇市场的高流通性,市场在大部分时间是有效的,然而市场有时候会出现短暂的失衡,使得交叉货币对的市场价格和合成价格发生偏离,当这种偏离足够抵消我们的交易成本时,我们可以使用三角套利的方法实现无风险套利。 三币对冲套利-EA:是指利用多种币种在不同的市场间的差价进行套利动作的交易策略,因其一次交易一般由三种币进行三次操作,形成一种三角关系,故称三币对冲
- 有着暴风式的刷单模式,融合顺势加仓,单品种对冲,多品种对,把握趋势和震荡策略单量比一般刷单王数量都还要多,做单准确率高,对点差和平台没有要求,经测试该EA单货币月平均刷单80手左右,盈利20%左右,多货币刷单月平均可达110手左右,盈利可突破40%。(It has a storm style brush mode, which integrates with the trend to add positions, single variety hedging, multi variety pai
- 三币组合对冲-EA是外汇策略领域研究的重点一款自由度极高的短线震荡回调获利的对冲套利策略,它是一款捕捉短线震荡行情的EA,三币对冲是利用高关联性货币之间的强弱关系进行对冲盈利使投资者在保证安全的原则下,获取长期稳定的收益。趋势表现性不强,账户小赚,趋势表现性强,账户大赚, 三币对冲特点: 1、多币种分散策略,风险分散 2、资金回撤低,超稳定盈利 3、行情不相关, 不用担心行情涨跌、震荡或单边。(Tri-currency hedge -EA is the focus of foreign
- 外汇三角对冲套利EA策略介绍:是两个直盘货币和一个交叉盘货币之间的相互对冲。 一句话总结就是同一时间段进场 欧元兑美元,美元竞日元,欧元兑日元。利用价格扭曲来套利,无需与市场做博弈。(Foreign exchange triangle hedging arbitrage EA strategy: it is the mutual hedging between two direct currencies and one cross currency. In a word, the euro a
- 免费分享一款动力跟单软件,内设跟单控制处理机制,延迟小,基本无漏单现象,操作简单跟单省心。无偿分享给汇友们,无时间限制,自行下载使用。(Free sharing of a power merchandising software, with a documentary control processing mechanism, small delay, basically no missing order phenomenon, simple operation, easy to follow
SFE Gold Fever
- MQL5官网上专做黄金的SFE Gold Fever信号,售价是1200美金。 根据趋势进行交易。对于通常以强劲趋势移动的符号或在趋势周期内进入的任何符号都是足够的。因此,与XAUUSD(GOLD / USD)一起使用时效果很好,并且从长期来看是上升趋势,因此请仅长期使用该系统,可以提升性能。(The SFE gold feeder signal on the mql5 website, which specializes in gold, is sold for $1200. Trade a
- 趋势突破EA是一款低风险高收益,采用趋势突破为开仓点,稳定的抓住每一步突破行情的策略。在趋势行情中有着优异的表现,开仓之后设置止损,平仓采用移动止损的方式,并且可根据行情的变化,设置不同参数,以应对不同的行情。(Trend breaking EA is a low-risk and high-yield strategy, which uses trend breakthrough as the opening point to steadily seize every step of the