- 问题描述(单资源) Dijkstra(1965)年提出了一种能够避免死锁的调度方法,称为银行家算法。它的模型基于一个小城镇的银行家,描述如下:假定一个银行家拥有资金,数量为Ё,被N个可户共享。银行家对可户提出下列约束条件: Ⅰ.每个客户必须预先说明自己所要求的最大资金量; Ⅱ.每个客户每次提出部分资金量申请和获得分配; Ⅲ.如果银行家满足了客户对资金的最大需求量,那么,客户在资金运作后,应在有限时间内全部归还银行。-problem descr iption (single-res
- 只要每个客户遵守上述约束,银行家将保证做到:若一个客户所要求的最大资金量不超过Ё,则银行一定接纳该客户,并处理他的资金需求;银行在收到一个客户的资金申请要求时,可能因资金不足而让客户等待,但保证在有限是见被让客户获得资金。在银行家算法中,客户可以看做进程,资金可以看作资源,银行家可以看做是操作系统。-as long as each customer compliance with the above constraints, bankers will undertake : if a custo
- 算法设计与分析中的贪心法源程序,用VC编写,应用贪心设计策略来解决操作系统中单机、无资源约束且每个作业可在等量时间内完成的作业调度问题-algorithm design and analysis of the greedy algorithm source, VC preparation, application greedy design strategies to solve the stand-alone operating system, without resource constra
- Seeknove 1.0.3说明 作者:PXL(WWW.PXL.NAME) Mail:pxl@compxler.com http://www.seeknove.com 产品简介: Seeknove 1.0.3是一个用PHP开发的开源搜索引擎整合系统,可根据关键字获取多个搜索引擎的搜索结果。Seeknove有两种搜索模式:分类模式、引擎模式。分类模式是按照功能分类索引的搜索模式,目前的分类有:网页、图片、新闻、音乐、视频、博客、论坛、地图、词典、资源。引擎模式是按照搜索引
- 该LINGO程序的功能是:求出工程项目的收益的净现值和每道工序的最优开工时间,约束条件是紧前紧后约束,以及资源约束-The program' s function is LINGO: the project proceeds to derive the net present value of each procedure and the optimal start time constraints are tight after the former tight constraints,
- 贪心算法之带有限期的作业排序。应用贪心设计策略解决操作系统中单机、无资源约束且每个作业可以在等量的时间内完成的作业调度问题。-Greedy Algorithm for Scheduling with deadline. Application greedy single operating system design strategy to solve, no resource constraints and each job can be completed within the same a
- RA准则下的OFDM自适应资源分配问题,涉及载波和功率的分配,是一个既含有离散决策变量,又含有连续决策变量的非线性优化模型,且含有较为复杂的非线性约束,因此适合采用智能优化算法进行求解。-RA OFDM under guideline adaptive resource allocation problem, involving carrier and power allocation is a decision with both a discrete variable, but also w
- 带资源约束的最短路径算法实现,包括时间和负载两种约束-an exact algorith for the shortest path problem with resource constraints, which are time and load constraints.
- 针对单级多资源约束生产批量计划问题,提出了基于量子粒子群算法求解该问题的方法。此算法将量子强大的领域搜索能力和基本粒子群算法(PSO)通过跟踪极值更新粒子的功能-On a single stage production lot-sizing problem of resource constraints, based on quantum particle swarm algorithm is proposed to solve the problem.The algorithm to the
- 用VC求解经典的资源约束型项目调度优话问题 resource-constrained project scheduling problem,RCPSP.-RCPSP is solved by VC++
- 利用回溯算法和动态规划函数,编写了资源约束下的二维动态规划算法,可用于资源分配方面的问题(Using backtracking algorithm and dynamic programming function, we write a two-dimensional dynamic programming algorithm under resource constraints, which can be used for resource allocation)
- 在求解装备的资源约束型装配线平衡单目标优化问题时,采用用matlab解决改进的遗传算法。(The single objective problem is solved with matlab language.)
- 在求解装备的资源约束型装配线一类平衡问题时,借助遗传算法,并对遗传算法进行改进,利用matlab程序进行优化求解。(The type 1 assembling line balancing problem for certain equipment is sovled with modified genetic algorithm by using matlab languge.)
- 在求解装备的资源约束型装配线一类平衡问题时,借助遗传算法和粒子群算法,并对遗传算法和粒子群算法进行改进,利用matlab程序进行优化求解。(The type 1 assembling line balancing problem for certain equipment is sovled with modified genetic-particle swarm optimization algorithm by using matlab languge.)
- 在求解装备的资源约束型装配线一类平衡问题时,借助遗传算法和粒子群算法进行优化求解,并对遗传算法和粒子群算法进行改进,利用matlab程序进行优化求解。(The type 1 assembling line balancing problem with resource constrained for certain equipment is sovled with modified genetic particle-swarm algorithm by using matlab languge
- 在求解装备的资源约束型装配线一类平衡问题时,借助遗传粒子群算法进行优化求解,并对遗传粒子群算法进行改进,利用matlab程序进行优化求解。本次结果是进行仿真的结果。(When solving the resource-constrained assembly line balance problem of equipment, the genetic particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to optimize the solution, a
- 无线通信资源管理中的ADMM算法,ADMM( Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers) 算法是机器学习中比较广泛使用的约束问题最优化方法,它是ALM算法的一种延伸(Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers)
- 该资源使用matlab编写的有约束条件的粒子群算法,其中的代码对于解决一些约束问题可能会有很大的帮助,也可以为一些人提供一些想法与思路(This resource uses a constrained particle swarm algorithm written in matlab. The code in it may be very helpful for solving some constraint problems, and it can also provide some peo
- Excel数据文件包含多达350个不同规模的算例。上传的matlab程序使用人工蜂群算法求解,之后大多数算例结果达到当今世界已知最优值。(The Excel data file contains up to 350 instances of different sizes. The uploaded matlab program uses the artificial bee colony algorithm to solve the problem. After that, most of t
- 分别使用两种算法(人工蜂群ABC和蚁群ACS)求解多模式资源约束项目调度问题MRCPSP,matlab编程实现。不同规模的算例多达350个,在EXCEL文件可直接读入。MH=meta-heuristics(Two kinds of algorithms (artificial bee colony ABC and ant colony ACS) are used to solve the multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling pro