- XX7299A是一款低价位且具有强抗干扰能力的多功能单片机外围芯片。它整合了数码管显示驱动(8 位数码管或者64 位LED)和键盘扫描(64个)控制,以及片上256字节E2PROM和256字节SRAM ,集成RTC(带有阴历和节气算法)、2路8位ADC(贴片)。XX7299A内置8MHz RC振荡电路,采用两线通信接口(兼容I2C)与单片机通信。-XX7299A is low and with the strong anti-jamming capability, multi-purpose m
- AD779x 系列产品常见问题解答AD7798/AD7799均为适合高精度测量应用的低功耗、低噪声、完整模拟前端,内置一个低噪声16位/24位Σ-Δ型ADC,其中含有3个差分模拟输入,还集成了片内低噪声仪表放大器,因而可直接输入小信号。当增益设置为64、更新速率为4.17Hz时,AD7799的均方根(RMS)噪声为27nV,AD7798的均方根(RMS)噪声为40nV.,AD779x products FAQ AD7798/AD7799 are high-precision measuremen
- GT033-TRX 是一款低成本的ISM 频段FSK 收发模块, 可工作在240--930MHZ 中任意频点。功率可以最大配 置为20dBm(si4432),13dBm(si4431),接收灵敏度可达-118dBm,64 字节 TX/RX FIFOS,内置温度传感器, 8 位模数转换器,3 个I/O。支持跳频工作模式。可提供一个SPI 接口,通过MCU 设置就可调整各种参数(发 射功率.中心频点.带宽等)。无需外加功放电路就可实现远距离无线数据传输.-GT033-TRX is a l
- 自己编的基于S3C6410下 wince6.0R3下的ADC驱动,很有用的源码,该驱动采用流驱动,用IOControl实现读功能,我在6410的开发板验证过-Under its own series based on S3C6410 ADC under wince6.0R3 drive, very useful source, the driver uses flow-driven, with IOControl read function to achieve, I verified 6410
- // This program provides simple DC motor control using the PCA 8-bit PWM Mode. // The ADC is used to read the potentiometer voltage on P0.6. The ADC uses // polled mode and 64 sample averaging. The 8-bit PWM is configured to operate // at 24 kH
- 中等容量增强型,32位基于ARM核心的带64或128K字节闪存的微控制器USB、CAN、7个定时器、2个ADC 、9个通信接口-Medium-capacity enhanced, 32-bit ARM core-based 64 or 128K bytes of flash memory with a microcontroller USB, CAN, 7 timers, 2 ADC, 9 communication interfaces
- The LPC1769 is a Cortex-M3 microcontroller for embedded applications featuring a high level of integration and low power consumption at frequencies of 120 MHz. Features include 512 kB of flash memory, 64 kB of data memory, Ethernet MAC, USB Device/Ho
- AVR atmega 64 / 128 based code to read ADC channel 1, 2, 3
- The STM32F051x family RTC应用-The STM32F051x family incorporates the high-performance ARM Cortex.-M0 32-bit RISC core operating at a 48 MHz frequency, high-speed embedded memories (Flash memory up to 64 Kbytes and SRAM up to 8 Kbytes), and an exten
- c语言在MSP430板子上面实现FFT 里面自己利用ADC采用计算频率实现64点的FFT 变换外加液晶12864显示-c language board above the MSP430 realize FFT inside their own use of the ADC used to calculate the frequency to achieve 64 point FFT plus LCD 12864
- DMC-2440-I采用基于ARM920T内核的Samsung处理器 S3C2440A, 标准主频400MHz,最高主频可达533MHz。板载64MB的SDRAM,128MB的Nand Flash以及2MB的Nor Flash。DMC-2440-I是根据S3C2440A的全部功能而开发的全功能嵌入式系统。具有外接资源丰富,性能稳定,低功耗低等特点。适合手持设备的设计开发。支持嵌入式Linux和WINCE5.0.NET操作系统。提供Wince5.0 BSP。 采用linux-2.6.29 内核
- DMC-2440-G采用一款基于ARM920T 内核的CPU S3C2440A-40构成一个完整的嵌入式系统开发平台。S3C2440A-40主频达到400MHZ,提供64M的SDRAM和256M的NAND FLASH,以及丰富的外设接口。该平台适用于GPS,PDA,MID,移动电视,智能手机,手持设备,平板电脑和广告机等消费类电子产品以及工业控制等领域。支持LINUX2.6和WinCE5.0操作系统。 WinCE5.0驱动支持:IDE/ATA, IIC,USB 摄像头,SD卡, USB 无线
- STC最新单片机,64个管脚,12位的ADC,1T的时间-STC latest microcontroller, 64-pin, 12-bit ADC, 1T of the time
- STM8S ADC转换,OLED12864屏幕显示电压值(STM8S152_ADC_OLED128*64)