- *Demonstrate convolutional encoding and decoding *Simulate BER for QPSK and BPSK, plot and then **compare the result with the theoretical value. *compare SER of the Rake and ML. – Symbols are taken randomly from QPSK. – Run the simulation for
- DSP1812 寄存器 功能描述 一个ePWM module包括Time-base (TB) module,Counter-compare (CC) module,Action-qualifier (AQ) module,Dead-band (DB) module,PWM-chopper (PC) module,Event-trigger (ET) module,Trip-zone (TZ) module等七个模块。正常的发出PWM波要配置TB、CC、AQ、DB、ET等五个模块。-DSP18
- 产生一个10000位的bipolar信号并画出bit error performance的模拟图像,求出BER-The source generates equally probable bits, P(0) = P(1) = 0.5. (a) Construct a program to generate 10000 bits with bipolar signaling. (b) Use your program to simulate the bit error performan
- Wavelet denoising For using this code need to use signal toolbox and general toolbox in your matlab In the first part of this assignment, we asked to obtain a (black-and-white) digital image of size 512 by 512 and then generate noi
Database Compare
- Database Compare for windows
- DBComparer for windows