- This project requires you to write a program that imitates a simple desk calculator. Your calculator must be able to accept an infix expression which at least includes (, ), +, -, *, /, %, and ^ (exponentiation operator, a^b = ab ). If the expression
- 这是本人做的关于基于二叉树求算术表达式求值的课程设计,供大家一起学习。表达式求解问题 设计一个程序实现基于二叉树表示的算术表达式的操作。 1、 需求分析 1. 算术表达式的合法输入数据包括变量(A~Z,a~z)、常量(0-9)和二元运算符(+,-,*,/,^(乘幂))。程序对数据输入格式不作要求,用户需自己保证语法正确,详见用户手册说明。 2. 演示程序以人机对话的方式执行,即在计算机上显示提示信息后,由用户在键盘上输入对应的数据或命令,程序将执行相应的操作并显示下一步信息。 3. 程
- (繁体中文版)台湾出品不得多得的关于spa dpa 旁道攻击rsa算法的精彩论文。相对国内的一些翻译性质的、粗制滥造的论文,简直是一个天上一个地下。-As information technology has developed rapidly, it provides more convenient life for people. As the result, the security has become the main concern. Recently, user id and pa
- 一个经过本人修改的扩展了许多功能的pl/x编译器,具有求余和求幂运算功能-After I modified an extension of a number of functions pl/x compiler, with the remainder, and exponentiation computing capabilities
- 高精度幂计算,北京大学ACM OJ上的Exponetiation-Exponentiation
- 这也是关于基于算术表达式求值的问题,与上题不一样,希望对有需要的人有用。表达式求解问题 设计一个程序实现基于二叉树表示的算术表达式的操作。 1、 需求分析 1. 算术表达式的合法输入数据包括变量(A~Z,a~z)、常量(0-9)和二元运算符(+,-,*,/,^(乘幂))。程序对数据输入格式不作要求,用户需自己保证语法正确,详见用户手册说明。 2. 演示程序以人机对话的方式执行,即在计算机上显示提示信息后,由用户在键盘上输入对应的数据或命令,程序将执行相应的操作并显示下一步信息。
- 通过M-ary乘方原理和二进制算法原理实现模指数运算-By a power of M-ary principle and principle of achieving the binary modular exponentiation algorithm
- 利用大数库写的一个RSA模幂运算的小软件,该软件能够方便的进行RSA模幂运算,并且可以让读者学习大数库的使用方法。-Use of large numbers of a library to write a small RSA Modular Exponentiation software, the software can easily be RSA modular power, and large numbers can help readers learn to use the librar
- operations overs Z/pZ [X] methods using + , x , ast exponentiation over a ring of polynomials can be used to implements AKS algo
- 这是一个VC里面编写的信号相乘,数乘,以及指数运算。主要应用于信号与系统的学习。-This is written inside a VC signal multiplied, multiplication, and exponentiation. Signals and systems are mainly used in the study.
- Problems involving the computation of exact values of very large magnitude and precision are common. For example, the computation of the national debt is a taxing experience for many computer systems.
- 大整数库,实现了大整数之间的四则运算和模、模幂运算以及最大公约数的求解-Large integer library to achieve a large integer arithmetic and between modes, modular exponentiation and the greatest common divisor of the solution
- 使用说明: 1、该计算器对表达式的要求比较严格 2、该计算器默认采用弧度制,计算角度时则要转换:sin(π/6)=0.5 3、括号必须要匹配 4、注意像And这样的运算,前后数值需要括号:(1011)And(1000) 其他说明: Backspace :删除当前输入的最后一位。 CE :清除当前显示的表达式。 C :清除当前的计算,开始新的计算。 MC :清除存储器中的数据。 MR:调用存储器中的数据。 Mod求模(即整数相除求余数)
- Fast exponentiation calculation, the program includes: binary expansion successive squares the product of the squares for which the corresponding bit is a binary Development
- 本程序的主要功能在于中缀表达式的计算,其中运算符有加,减,乘,除,乘幂基本运算符,,运算数为实数之间运算,并可以实现循环计算..完成基本操作是进行字符处理,栈的使用. -The main function of this program is the infix expression evaluates operators add, subtract, multiply, in addition, the exponentiation operator, the operand is a r
- 简单计算器包括双目运算和单目运算功能。双目运算符包含基本的四则运算及乘幂功能,单目运算符包含正余弦,阶乘,对数,开方,倒数等运算。可对输入任意操作数,包括小数和整数及正数和负数进行以上的所有运算并能连续运算。出现错误会给出相应提示,同时包含清除,退格,退出功能以及有与所有按钮相对应的菜单项-Simple calculator includes a binary operator and a unary function. Binocular operator contains four basi
- 用matlab GUI编写的科学计算器程序,可以实现各进制的相互转换,进行逻辑运算,三角函数运算,幂运算,均值,标准差及方差运算等-this is a scientific calculator that was programmed by matlab GUI。its functions conclude hexadecimal conversion,logical operations,trigonometric,exponentiation,mean,standard deviation
- 简单计算器,可以实现⑴正弦sin⑵余弦cos⑶正切tan⑷开平方sqrt⑸反正弦arcsin⑹反余弦arccos⑺反正切arctan⑻常用对数lg⑼自然对数ln⑽e指数exp⑾乘幂函数∧-A simple calculator, you can achieve of ⑴ sine sin ⑵ the cosine cos ⑶ tangent tan ⑷ open square sqrt ⑸ anyway chord arcsin ⑹ inverse cosine arccos ⑺ arctang
- Problems involving the computation of exact values of very large magnitude and precision are common. For example, the computation of the national debt is a taxing experience for many computer systems.
- Exponentiation Problems involving the computation of exact values of very large magnitude and precision are common. For example, the computation of the national debt is a taxing experience for many computer systems. This problem requires t