- 一个GPS课程的全部代码,含有数据!很实用-MATLAB GPS scr iptS-- Charles Meertens and Doug Miller, U. Utah 3Jan95 These scr ipts were developed for/during a class in GPS and Active Tectonics Department of Geology and Geophysics, U. Utah, Spring, 1994 EXAMPLE RIN
- 读取RINEX星历文件,观测文件,存储为数组形式,matlab环境下-Read RINEX ephemeris file, observation file
- 这是一个简单的软件开发包(SDK),你可以利用这个 GPSLIB 在自己的32位 Windows 应用程序中加入全球定位系统的支持。源代码压缩文件中包含有 GPSLIB 库的源代码和 Demo 程序。很多文件中都有详细的注释说明。为了保证可下载文件的体积尽量的小,压缩文件中不含任何二进制文件。请使用Visual C++ 5 以上的版本编译并生成 DLLs、控制面板程序和可执行文件。-This is a simple software development kit (SDK), you can
- Read nmea file and send to com port. you can easly simulate the gps application
- 利用这个 GPSLIB 在自己的32位 Windows 应用程序中加入全球定位系统的支持。源代码压缩文件中包含有 GPSLIB 库的源代码和 Demo 程序。很多文件中都有详细的注释说明。为了保证可下载文件的体积尽量的小,压缩文件中不含任何二进制文件-GPSLIB take advantage of this at their own 32-bit Windows applications add support for the Global Positioning System. Source
- Read rinex file of gps message
- 关于GPS/INS组合导航的matlab仿真程序 大家共同学习下-On GPS/INS Integrated Navigation System of the matlab simulation program to study under the common
- 显示GPS经纬度,时间,海拔等信息,并可存成excel文件-Show GPS latitude and longitude, time, altitude and other information, can be saved as excel file
- * When including this file in the assembly program file, all I/O register * names and I/O register bit names appearing in the data book can be used. * * The Register names are represented by their hexadecimal addresses. * * The R
- gps信号接口文件,对研究卫星导航定位系统的朋友有用-gps signal interface file, satellite navigation and positioning system research useful for friends
- gps卫星定位,包括O文件,N文件读取,星历数据-gps satellite positioning, including the O file, N file read, ephemeris data
- Complete GPS Datalogger Project using PIC16F690. It uses a standard SD CARD in SPI mode as the memory to store the GPS data. Does not uses a FAT File System though.
- 一款采用1602液晶+89c51的4种版本GPS数据解析HEX文件(内含电路图)-A 1602+89 c51 using the four versions of the GPS data analysis HEX file (containing the circuit diagram)
- uC-GPS 库文件 教你如何开发和使用gps模块-uC-GPS Lib GPS file
- 可读N文件,O文件,可实现GPS伪距单点定位(Readable N file, O file, you can achieve GPS pseudo range, single point positioning)
- 可读取星历文件和观测文件,并实现伪距单点定位,并输出结算结果的TXT文件(Can read ephemeris files and observation files, and realize pseudo distance single point positioning, and output the results of the settlement of the TXT file)
- 卫星星历文件处理以及位置计算程序源码是的(Satellite ephemeris file processing and location calculation program source code)
- 对收到的gps进行解析,头文件中是对gps结构体定义,在stm32中测试通过(The received GPS is parsed, and the header file defines the GPS structure and is passed through the stm32)
GNSS observation file read program
- 对GNSS观测文件中个文件类型的读取,以及大地坐标系下xyz坐标与BLH坐标的转换程序(The reading of a file type in GNSS observation files, and the conversion program of xyz coordinates and BLH coordinates in the geodetic coordinate system)
GPS rinex file read
- 在matlab平台下进行GPS通讯编程,获取GPS rinex文件。(In the MATLAB platform for GPS communication programming, access to GPS RINEX file.)