- ICU是多国语言处理最权威的跨平台跨语言开发包,涉及多语种处理的方方面面。也是Unicode组织官方推荐的开发包。Java底层的多语言处理就是采用ICU4j。因为Java内核已经集成进去了,Java程序员可以在这方面少花许多脑筋。 一句话,如果用C++处理文本编码问题,ICU4c是不二之选。-ICU was originally developed by the Taligent company. The Taligent team later became the Unicode grou
- IBM ICU 4.0 的 API 文档. 供大家学习.,IBM ICU 4.0 of the API documentation. For them to learn.
- ICU(International Component for Unicode/Unicode国际化组件) 是 Unicode 支持、软件国际化、全球化的一个成熟的、广泛应用的库,是一个由 IBM 赞助、支持和使用的,基于"IBM公共许可证",用于支持软件国际化的开源项目。这个库为 C 和 Java? 编程语言提供了一整套操作 Unicode 数据的函数。这个库是在一种无限制的开放源码许可证下发布的,这使它可以在许多应用程序中使用。-ICU (International Component fo
- ICU Regular Expressions, Definitions of constant values used in the compiled form of a regular expression pattern. -ICU Regular Expressions, Definitions of constant values used in the compiled form of a regular expression pattern.
- A class-like struct that serves as a handle to a piece of memory that contains some ICU data (resource, converters, whatever.). -A class-like struct that serves as a handle to a piece of memory that contains some ICU data (resource, converters, w
- ICU Mutex wrappers. Wrap operating system mutexes, giving the rest of ICU a platform independent set of mutex operations. For internal ICU use only.
- This file implements a number of example ICU plugins.
- A program to write simple binary data readable by udata - example for ICU workshop.
- Define initialized data that will build into a valid, but empty ICU data library.
- 这是一篇关于半监督的论文,半监督学习问题广泛存在于现实世界中, 已经成为目前机器学习和模式识别领域中的一个研究热点. 文章 综述了半监督学习问题的基本思想、研究现状、常用算法及其一些应用领域, 分析了目前存在的主要困难, 并指出需进一步研究的几个问题.-Sem-i supervised learning has been w idely used in the w orld and become a hot topic in the resear ch field of machine
- A program to write simple binary data readable by udata - example for ICU workshop.
- Starting in ICU 3.6, this can be a UConverterAliasOptions struct. Its presence indicates that a section 9 exists. UConverterAliasOptions specifies what type of string normalization is used among other potential things in the future.
- Write an ICU resource bundle with a table whose number of key characters and number of items both exceed 64k.
- build against a configured (but not built) ICU.
- A simple demo of the ICU LayoutEngine. , writtenBy,.
- This class represents a date interval. It is a pair of UDate representing UDate 1 to UDate 2. @stable ICU 4.0. -This class represents a date interval. It is a pair of UDate representing UDate 1 to UDate 2. @stable ICU 4.0.
- UDataMemory A class-like struct that serves as a handle to a piece of memory that contains some ICU data (resource, converters, whatever.).
- Display context types, for getting values of a particular setting. Note, the specific numeric values are internal and may change. @stable ICU 51.
- FieldPositionIterator returns the field ids and their start limit positions generated by a call to Format::format. See Format, NumberFormat, DecimalFormat. @stable ICU 4.4.
- For testing, this is used together with a list of imported symbols to verify that ICU is not using the global ::new and ::delete operators.