- 一些常用的图像处理cpp和对应的matlab接口 是非常常用的一些代码-Quick list of the source included: imhist_thresh.cpp: Generate histogram from data,# of bins based on unique values. imsmarthist_thresh.cpp: equalize data based on histogram imsmartstd_thresh.cpp: equal
- 以镜头光圈分类 镜头有手动光圈(manual iris)和自动光圈(auto iris)之分,配合摄象机使用,手动光圈镜头适合于亮度不变的应用场合,自动光圈镜头因亮度变更时其光圈亦作自动调整,故适用亮度变化的场合。-This paper describes an end-to-end method for extracting moving targets from a real-time video stream, classifying them into predefined ca
- wiener2图像滤波小程序。维纳滤波理论在图像处理中有着广泛的应用。-wiener2 lowpass filters an intensity image that has been degraded by constant power additive noise. wiener2 uses a pixel-wise adaptive Wiener method based on statistics estimated from a local neighborhood of each p
- visifire_v3.0破解版 啊啊啊,走过路过不要错过啊,真真正正的好东西-Create a “Silverlight Application” project. Download the latest Visifire binaries from here. Extract the Zip file and add reference for the file named “SLVisifire.Charts.dll”. In this sample, I am going to use
- Advanced Impulse Detection Based on Pixel-Wise MAD
- saliency 图像显著性检测最常用的数据集,有stimulus和pixel-wise groundtruth,共15k张(Saliency image saliency detection of the most commonly used data sets, there are stimulus and pixel-wise groundtruth, a total of 15K)