- HICON m_hIcon _ConnectionPtr m_pCon //连接对象 _RecordsetPtr m_pRs //记录集对象 BOOL LoadDbSource(CString strSourceName,CString strSourceDb, CString strDescr iption) // Generated message map functions //{{AFX_MSG(CCodeCtrlOdbcDlg) virt
- 很好的GPS源码,请大家使用。 很好的GPS源码,请大家使用。-good source, please use. Good GPS sou rce, please use.
- 常用源代码 -common source code commonly used sou rce code commonly used source code
- Network Programming for Windows 书源代码 (source code)-Network Programming for Windows source code book (SOU rce code)
- err page sourceerr page source-err page sourceerr page sou rce
- Matlab simulate AMP.It covers that the source code and how to compile it-Matlab simulate AMP.It covers that the sou rce code and how to compile it
- db.* (pronounced dee-be star) is an advanced, high performance, small footprint embedded database for open source operating systems.-db .* (pronounced dee-be star) is an advanc ed, high performance, small footprint embedded database for open sou rce
- Hello and welcome to the DScaler source. There are a few hoops to jump through before the source can be compiled. Our guides will hopefully smooth that process.-Hello and welcome to the DScaler source. Th torii are a few hoops to jump through befor
- VLSI Solution Oy Evaluation MP3 Player Source Code Documentation-VLSI Solution Oy Evaluation MP3 Player Sou rce Code Documentation
- The Packet Debugger, pdb is a program which allows people to work with packet streams as if they were working with a source code debugger. Users can list, inspect, modify, and retransmit any packet from captured files as well as work with live
- 学生成绩管理c源代码 学生成绩管理c源代码-student performance management c source code management student achievement c sou rce code
- 基于模式识别的rce网络算法分类器(衰减库仑势法)。利用概率密度进行分类-rce classifier pattern recognition
- rce网络即“衰减库仑势”法,在每一个模式层单元都有一个对应的超球体半径可调整的参数。有与概率神经网络相同的拓扑结构。-rce network that is " attenuated Coulomb potential" method, a model layer in each unit has a corresponding super-sphere radius of adjustable parameters. With the probabilistic neura
- 一篇介绍模糊rce神经网络的文章,很老但是很经典,英文的。-Fuzzy rce neural network introduced an article, very old but very classic, in English.
- Hiew 8.02 FULL HexEditor ... oldschool used for rce
- Pe rce pt rO n—Ba S e d 分支预测S im p le S cal a r 中的实现 关键词: 超标量处理器模拟器分支预测乱序执行-Realization of Perceptron.Based Branch Predictors in SimpleScalar eScalar is a superscalar processor monitor which is used widely in performance analysis.
- RTP 协议是IETF ( Internet Engineering TaskFo rce) 在RFC1889 中给出的, 是专门为交互式音频、视频、仿真数据等实时媒体应用而设计的轻型传输协议。RTP 被定义为在一对一或一对多的传输情况下工作, 其目的是提供时间信息和实现流同步。RTP 通常使用UDP来传送数据, 但RTP 也可以在TCP 或A TM 等协议下工作.对H.264网络开发有何大帮助- The RTP protocol is given in RFC1889 by IETF (I
- Kernel Delphi soı rce
- CVE-2017-12617 critical Remote Code Execution (rce) vulnerability discovered in Apache Tomcat affect systems with HTTP PUTs enabled (via setting the "read-only" initialization parameter of the Default servlet to "false") are af
- 图像清晰度评价函数说明 1、熵: 表示图像所包含的平均信息量的多少,嫡值越大则所含信息量越多。 文件名:entropy.m 结果:EN 2、交叉嫡:反映两幅图像的差异,交叉嫡越小,则融合图像和原图像的差别越小。 文件名:cross_entropy.m 结果:平均交叉嫡MCE,均方根交叉嫡rce 3、峰值信噪比: PSNR越高,说明融合效果与质量越好。 文件名:psnr.m 结果:PSNR 4、Qabf: 评价边缘或梯度质量,越大边缘越明显 文件名:Qab