- guGPS提供一个自由而升级为基于位置的服务移动客户端,它就像一个RSS阅读器基于GPS localization,guGPS provide a free and upgradable mobile client for Location Based Services, it is like a RSS-reader based on gps localization.
- 一种基于RSSI的DV-HOP加权算法,该算法基于节点接收信标节点位置元组时的信号强度(RSSI)对邻居节点间跳数进行加权处理,将节点间的跳数与距离相关联,仿真试验结果证明该加权算法可大大提高定位精度。- a RSSI based weighted DV-HOP (RWDV-HOP) Localization algorithm is presented. In this algorithm the hops of adjacent node is weighted by the RSS of
- 对室内的行人定位跟踪算法进行研究:包括基于RSS的KNN室内定位算法、基于RSS的卡尔曼滤波算法、融合RSS和DR的粒子滤波算法 等。-indoor pedestrian position tracking algorithm is studied, such as the KNN localization algorithm based on the RSS, the kalman filter algorithe based on the RSSthe particle filter a
- RSS to find location
- 无线传感器网络定位用到的无线传输模型 Regular Model, Logarithmic Attenuation Model, DOI Model, RIM Model -Wireless sensor network localization using wireless transmission model, Regular Model, Logarithmic Attenuation Model, DOI Model, RIM Model Achieve functional
- 投稿 投稿文章管理 管理员文章评论回复 无限引用 简易留言功能 简易RSS功能 支持无限级的分类与子分类,可设置单独页面、频道、列表页 分类支持投稿,审核投稿,隐藏功能 FCKeditor在线编辑器 远程图片本地化,提取第一个图片为缩略图-Article submission article submission management administrator Comments Reply unlimited references simple message function Easy RS
LFSohaib_ only RSS single point
- Indoor localization fingerprinting
RSS analysis
- Reading a large matrix in matlab and process for further operation, indoor localization . RSS analysis
- 基于TOA测量和DOA测量的目标节点定位可以比RSS测量获得更高精度的位置参数(The location of target nodes based on TOA and DOA measurement can obtain higher precision position parameters than RSS measurement)