- 读取RAW数据格式的MATLAB代码
- raw图像格式与bmp图像格式的转换,matlab实现,具体参数详见m文件,raw image format and bmp image format conversion, implementate by matlab, the specific parameters detailed in m file
- 方便好用的声学多普勒海流剖面仪(ADCP)海流数据Matlab处理程序。程序文件头信息有详细的使用说明。- ADCP=RDRADCP(NAME) reads the raw binary RDI BB/Workhorse ADCP file NAME and puts all the relevant configuration and measured data into a data structure ADCP (which is self-explanatory
- 读取和写入raw格式图像,此格式图像文件存储一幅图中的全部像素点,并以每个像素点16bit数据保存-read and write a raw format 16-bit image
- 乳腺癌分类程序,带有部分的原始数据,非常好-Breast cancer classification procedures, with part of the raw data, very good
- GM(1,1)源代码,计算原始数据的残差、关联度、小误差概率等。同时画出原始数据和预测数据对比图-GM (1,1) source code to calculate the raw data residuals, correlation, and so a small error probability. At the same time draw the raw data and forecast data comparison chart
- 独立成分分析算法降低原始数据噪声,并提取特征值,非常有用得数据去噪程序。-Independent component analysis algorithm reduces the raw data noise, and extract characteristic value, is more helpful data denoising procedure.
- awimg=rgb2gray(im1) tic [accum, circen, cirrad] = CircularHough_Grd(rawimg, [20 30],5,50) circen toc figure(1) imagesc(accum) axis image title( Accumulation Array from Circular Hough Transform ) figure(2) imagesc(rawimg) co
- 讀取16位元(65536階)raw影像檔,調整其灰階動態範圍至256階,調整方式至少包含平均法、對數法、開平方法,word檔包含了成程式碼與操作說明與結果。-Read 16-bit (65536-order) raw image file, adjust its dynamic range to 256 gray-scale bands, contains at least adjust the way the averaging method, logarithmic law, Kaiping
- 卡尔曼滤波器在雷达上的应用,用于估计飞机的速度,有原始数据-Kalman filter in radar applications, used to estimate the speed of the aircraft, there are raw data
- Symbolic Representations of Time Series... SAX is just as good as other representations, or working on the raw data for most problems (Slides shown at the end of this presentation)
- This code convert the RAW image captured from camera which is in CFA type to Windows Bitmap image
- GPS信号的基带处理在IEEE发表的文章有关信号捕获和跟踪-GPS baseband signal of the article published in the IEEE capture and tracking of the signal
- 本程序主要用来计算根据灰色理论建立的模型的预测值。 应用的数学模型是 GM(1,1)。 原始数据的处理方法是一次累加法- Of the procedures used to calculate the main theory in accordance with the gray of the predictive value of the model. The application of the mathematical model is GM (1,1). Hand
- The function applies the Madsen method for Doppler Centroid estimation. The input are: 1) the raw data, the parameter of the distance between samples in azimuth to be correlated and the PRF (Pulse repetition frequency)
- Features a unique program to estimate the power spectral density. The spectrum containing all significant details is calculated from a time series model. Model type as well as model order are determined automatically from the data, using statistical
- extract raw file YUV color and combine in RGB color
- MATLAB image RAW format
MATLAB 三轴加速度信号处理
- 对三轴加速度出传感器的原始数据进行处理,平滑噪声,傅里叶fft(The raw data of the three-axis acceleration sensor is processed, smoothing the noise)
- 一定条件下附加假彩色,从文件夹里读取raw文件并输出视频帧,可以对单帧图像进行处理(Read raw files from a folder and output video frames to process single-frame images)