DSP模型软件设计框架参考,做dsp的同学可以学习学习。-This application note provides reference information for modules created for use by the
Reference Frameworks for eXpressDSP Software. These modules may be used with the Reference Frameworks or in other applications.
对于solr 搜索引擎, 现在为止最权威的著作.-This book is a comprehensive reference guide for nearly every feature Solr has to offer. It serves the reader right from initiation to development to deployment. It also comes with complete running examples to demonstrate its
三大框架整合实例:只是把三大框架进行了整合,课供初学者参考-The three frameworks integrate instance: just three frameworks integrate lessons for beginners reference
该书理论和实践相结合,介绍了当前深度学习应用的几个主要框架和应用方向,实用性强,内容紧凑。基于Keras这个高度抽象的深度学习环境,全书强调快速构造深度学习模型和应用于实际业务,因此特别适合深度学习实践者和入门者学习,是一本必不可少的参考书。(The book combines theory and practice to introduce several main frameworks and application directions of current deep learning a