- 实现gps卫星的跟踪功能。载波跟踪环采用锁频环辅助下的锁相环,码跟踪环采用延迟锁相环。-Gps satellite tracking to achieve. Carrier tracking loop using the aid of frequency-locked loop PLL, code tracking loop using delay locked loop.
- 设计卫星信道条件下,用于调制方式识别的载频和带宽识别算法。-Satellite channels under the conditions of the design for the identification of modulation carrier frequency and bandwidth of the recognition algorithm.
- 本程序仿真一个从卫星到区域数据中心的下行链路(由一组6个载波构成),评估热噪声,交调(IM)失真、由滤波器造成的码间干扰(ISI)以及邻频干扰对下行链路性能的影响。-This procedure simulation of a regional data from the satellite downlink center (by a group of six carrier constituted) to assess the thermal noise, Intermodulation (I
- 模拟卫星与地面站之间的通信,使用socket进行网络编程,客户端与服务器为同一载体,界面简洁,有很高的实用性-Simulation between the satellite and earth station communications, the use of network socket programming, client and server for the same carrier, the interface is simple and has high practical
- 包含非线性卫星转发器的FDM系统的仿真 仿真一个从卫星到区域数据中心的下行链路(由一组6个载波构成),评估热噪声,交调(IM)失真、由滤波器造成的码间干扰(ISI)以及邻频干扰对下行链路性能的影响。 -Contains the non-linear satellite transponder FDM system simulation simulation of a regional data centers from the satellite to the downlink (fro
- 仿真一个从卫星到区域数据中心的下行链路(由一组6个载波构成),评估热噪声,交调(IM)失真、由滤波器引起的码间干扰(ISI)以及临频干扰对下行链路性能的影响。-Simulation of a regional data center from the satellite to the downlink (from a group of six carrier composition) to assess the thermal noise, intermodulation (IM) distor
- 单星测频无源定位法,采用单星测频实现无源定位的方法-Single satellite carrier frequency passive location method
- GPS卫星 L1波段的simulink仿真模型 包括CA码 载波 噪声 以及可以运行成功-GPS satellite L1 band Simulink simulation modelIncluding CA code carrier to noise and can run successfully
- ISE12.3环境下编写的载波NCO的产生程序,进行扩频通信或者卫星导航研究的同学可以参考-ISE12.3 environment prepared by the carrier NCO generator, spread spectrum communication or satellite navigation research students can refer
- A GUI software I made to calculate the carrier-to-noise-density ratio of a earth-satellite link.
- GPS卫星导航定位的算法,包括码生成,载波生成,和导航解算等matlab算法-GPS satellite navigation and positioning algorithms, including code generation, carrier generation, and navigation algorithm matlab solver, etc.
- 载波同步算法-二次插值算法的Matlab仿真,算法性能很好,性能接近MCRB,可以广泛应用于卫星通信等行业。-Carrier synchronization algorithm- quadratic interpolation algorithm Matlab simulation, good performance of the algorithm can be widely used in satellite communications and other industries.
- 载波同步算法-Fitz算法的Matlab仿真,算法性能很好,性能接近MCRB,可以广泛应用于卫星通信等行业。-Carrier synchronization algorithm-Fitz algorithm Matlab simulation, good performance of the algorithm, the performance close to MCRB, can be widely used in satellite communications and other indu
- 载波同步算法-Fizt算法估计范围的Matlab仿真,算法性能很好,可以广泛应用于卫星通信等行业。-Carrier synchronization algorithm-Fizt algorithm to estimate the scope of the Matlab simulation, good performance of the algorithm can be widely used in satellite communications and other industries.
- 载波同步算法-最小二乘算法的Matlab仿真,算法性能很好,性能接近MCRB,可以广泛应用于卫星通信等行业。-Carrier synchronization algorithm- least squares algorithm Matlab simulation, good performance of the algorithm, the performance close to MCRB, can be widely used in satellite communications and
- GNSS接收机通道信息显示控件,用于.NetFramework窗体程序开发,可显示通道捕获、跟踪状态、环路锁定情况、载噪比、卫星号等信息。-GNSS receiver channel information display controls,.NetFramework form for program development, can display the channel capture, tracking state, loop lock, carrier to noise ratio, s
- 学院 GPS系统所有卫星发射的信号共用相同的载波频率和信道时间,所以G 收到的信号不可避免地混合了所有可能的卫星信号,而只有知道目前接收到-Signals share the same carrier frequency and channel INSTITUTE GPS system time of all satellites, the signal G is inevitably mixed with the received satellite signals with all
- 高动态卫星信号载波跟踪算法包括fll辅助pll、EKF、UKF、PF-High Dynamic satellite signal carrier tracking algorithms include fll auxiliary pll, EKF, UKF, PF
- 卫星定位与结算,包括伪距法定位、载波相位测量、差分定位法等。-Satellite positioning and settlement, including the pseudo range method, carrier phase measurement, differential positioning method, etc..
- teqc生成那8个compact文件,注意不是compact2或compact3,可以快速画图,比qcview方便多了,又快有美观!至于compact文件我会另外上传!- TEQCFV Read and plot TEQC report files (fast view) TEQC is the Toolkit for GPS/GLONASS/SBAS Data used to solve many pre-processing problems with G