- 使用winio通过intel 南桥smbus controller对 IDT/silego clock 进行操作为例,演示smbus的操作方法。,Intel south bridge winio through the use of smbus controller for IDT/silego clock to operate as an example, the presentation of the operation smbus.
- 本书介绍了Cygnal集成产品公司(C8051Fxxx高速片上系统(SOC)单片机的硬件结构和工作 原理,详细阐述了C8051Fxxx的定时器、可编程计数器阵列(PCA)、串行口、SMBus/IIC接口、SPI总线接口、ADC、DAC、比较器、复位源、振荡器、看门狗定时器、JTAG接口等外设或功能部件的结构和使用方法。本书还介绍了Cygnal单片机的软件开发环境及典型应用。 -This book introduces Cygnal Integrated Products (C8051F
- All timings are based on a reference crystal frequency of 2MHz ** which is equivalent to an instruction cycle time of 2 usec. ** 2) Address and literal values are read in octal unless otherwise ** specified.-All timings are based on a refere
- 智能电池参考设计 介绍使用Atmel ATmega406微处理器来实现智能电池方案。此方案包括高精度ADC、用于SMBus通讯的TWI接口、以及可检测对电池错误使用的独立硬件,从而实现了对电池的智能化使用。-This application note describes the implementation of a smart battery using the Atmel ATmega406 microcontroller. The ATmega406 AVR microcontroll
- 所有51单片机的几乎所有资源(比如:串口,中断,SPI,SMBus,ADC,振荡器,USB……)的应用代码,真的很实用!-Almost all the 51 single-chip all the resources (such as: serial port, interrupt, SPI, SMBus, ADC, oscillator, USB ... ...) of the application code, really useful!
- 此程序是PC机通过单片机来控制流量计,包含有串口通信,SMBus,DA,AD,定时器中断,还有复杂的算法等-This program is a PC to control the flow through the chip, includes serial communications, SMBus, DA, AD, timer interrupt, as well as complex algorithms
- c8051f340的SMBUS(iic)总线的驱动代码,使用任务方式,只支持主器件,不支持从器件方式,调用smbtskcx查询可以再添加几条任务,#define MAXTSKCOUNT 10 中的(10)为最大任务设定,可以自己更改,smbaddtask为添加任务的函数,其它的过程用户可以不关心, 写过程为先写8位器件地址,再写数据指针指向的数据(内容用户自己设定,如要包含子地址等),读时如果有子地址,要分成两个任务,一个是要写入子地址任务,一个是读取任务, 如smbaddtask(0x
- GPIO:General Purpose Input Output (通用输入/输出)简称为GPIO,或总线扩展器,利用工业标准I2C、SMBus或SPI接口简化了I/O口的扩展-GPIO: General Purpose Input Output (general-purpose input/output) referred to as GPIO, or bus extension using the industry-standard I2C, SMBus or SPI interface
- C8051F04x系列参考程序,包括各个单片机外设等 ADC CAN COMPARATORS DAC INTERRUPTS OSCILLATORS PCA SMBUS SPI TIMERS UART WATCHDOG -C8051F04x family reference procedures, including various microcontroller peripherals such as ADC CAN COMPARATORS D
ev2300 vb
- EXAMPLE VISUAL BASIC PROGRAM USING THE EV2300 INTERFACE BOARD INTRODUCTION This procedure defines how to install and run the Visual Basic 6.0 example project developed to enable interaction on the EV2300 SMBus via a USB port. It is recommended t