- 该源代码包是基于片上系统的摄像头接口的Verilog语言程序,它包括以下5部分:RTL源代码,测试平台,软件仿真C代码,FPGA综合时的sdc和ucf文件,说明文档。-This source code package is the camera interface module based on the SoC use Verilog language. It has the following 5 parts: RTL code, testbench, software simulating
- 曾经的硕士论文,基于FPGA的8051的soc核研究,用FPGA实现的51核,对FPGA的学习很有帮助-Have master' s thesis, based on the FPGA of the soc of the 8051 nuclear research, with FPGA to achieve the 51 nuclear, helpful for learning FPGA
- 本项目在FPGA上生成8086指令兼容的软核以及外设,并在此基础上跑通pc机上古老但是仍然有趣的吃豆子PACMAN游戏, 作为本科微机原理课程的实验。 通过本项目,学生可以学习到8086的基本结构, 在TurboC下如何进行嵌入式C语言编程,汇编语言, 计算机组成等基本原理, 有独立设计基于8086的SOC软硬件的能力。-The project generated in the FPGA on the 8086 Directive, as well as soft-core-compatible
- I2C主机端模块 具有avalon-MT总线接口 可挂载在Altera soc系统之上 使NiosII处理器具备I2C通信能力 模块由Verilog HDL编写 并经Cyclone II FPGA测试-I2C master modul which has a avalon-MT interface that can be attached to Altera SOC system. It provides NiosII I2C communication capability . This mo
- FPGA/SOPC开发快速入门教程,FPGA 在复杂逻辑电路以及数字信号处理领域中扮演者越来越重要的角色,SOC(片上系统)以其低 功耗,高性能,低成本,高可靠性等优点成为嵌入式系统的发展趋势。作-QUARTUS II platform based on the VHDL language elevator system control procedures.
- 如今FPGA 在复杂逻辑电路以及数字信号处理领域中扮演着越来越重要的角 色,SOC(片上系统)以其低功耗、高性能、低成本、高可靠性等优点成为嵌入 式系统的发展趋势-Today, in a complex FPGA logic and digital signal processing plays an increasingly important role, SOC (system on chip) with its low-power, high performance, low co
- FPGA design, In addition to logic design, the future also can be SOC (System On Chip) approach to achieve a future A complete design system, so XC4VLX60 the board design includes RS232 and LCD surrounding the design, this experiment will Super te
- 介绍了SOC发展状况,并针对 ahera公司 FPGA的解决方案 SOPC进行重点分析 ,重点介绍和分析处理器的关键技术和设计流程以及相关软件。 -Describes the development of SOC, and for the FPGA solution ahera SOPC company to focus on analysis, highlights and analysis of the key processor technology and design processe
- Altera 在新出现的SoC FPGA 上的策略考虑-Altera in the emerging SoC FPGA on the strategic considerations
Test the audio on FPGA
- This is the testing project for audio part in FPGA DE1. Based on this project, student or programmer can get a good starting point for development other project
audio on fpga
- THis is the project that demonstrate the audio system on fpga basement. From this starting piont, other researcher can develop their own project easily
- 基于FPGA的SOC设计与功能测试,利用mips指令集编写的soc片上系统,以及功能验证- SOC design and FPGA-based functional test, use mips instruction set written soc system on a chip, and functional verification
- 在单片FPGA上实现九十年代初期PC,可安装Windows3.1及其他DOS系统。SOC中包含以80286(cpu),中断控制器,显示控制器(VGA),声音控制器,PS2(鼠标,键盘)等。是了解计算机历史变迁及学习SOC设计的重要资料!(ZET aims to implement an early 90`s PC on FPGA.Which include a 80286(cpu),interrupt controller,display card(VGA),sound card,PS2 int