Simple Sockets Library--ssl-2[1].11a.tar
- 项目描述: slsnif is a serial port logging utility. It listens to the specified serial port and logs all data going through this port in both directions. Serial line sniffer是一个串行端口记录工具。它监听指定的串行端口并记录所有通过这个端口的两个方向的数据。 来源:http://freshmeat.net slsnif是一个串行端口日志
- Porting the Simple Sockets Library Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
- windows ssl library 可以在vc 上編程,製成d,windows ssl library can vc on programming, made from d
- 一个用于网络安全方面的SSL,TLS库.可以用来做FTPS, WEB Server等等d-One for the network security aspects of SSL, TLS library. Can be used to do FTPS, WEB Server, etc. d
- 代理猎狗支持库下载,代理猎狗软件,是一款集代理ip吸附与验证的代理工具。支持sock4,sock5,https/ssl代理验证。-proxygo dependent library.proxygo is a proxy support tools, support sock4,sock5,https/ssl proxy verify.
- PolarSSL源码,也许是最小巧的ssl代码库。高效、便于移植和集成。-PolarSSL is a light-weight open source cryptographic and SSL library written in C. PolarSSL is written with embedded systems in mind and has been ported on a number of architectures, including ARM, PowerPC, MIPS a
- PolarSSL源码,也许是最小巧的ssl代码库。高效、便于移植和集成。-PolarSSL is a light-weight open source cryptographic and SSL library written in C. PolarSSL is written with embedded systems in mind and has been ported on a number of architectures, including ARM, PowerPC, MIPS a
- 最小巧的SSL代码库,便于移植和集成。也可以作为加解密库来使用。-PolarSSL is a light-weight open source cryptographic and SSL library written in C. PolarSSL is written with embedded systems in mind and has been ported on a number of architectures, including ARM, PowerPC, MIPS and M
- 因為不只有 SSL/TLS library,還提供了 Embedded Web server (名為 Anti-Web),系統模組化相當不錯,可以透過 menuconfig 挑選合適的組態,另外,內建的 Anti-Web 也支援 CGI/PHP,跟前述的 SSL libraries 相比,[axTLS] 在 SSL crypto algorithm 的功能性是最少的,僅有最基本的實做,但是對功能專一的 Embedded 應用來說,反而是不錯的選擇。-axTLS is a TLSv1 SSL li
- LibCurl是免费的客户端URL传输库,支持FTP,FTPS ... Libcurl具备线程安全、IpV6兼容、易于使用的特点,支持多种平台-libcurl is a free and easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS and FILE. libcurl supports SSL c
- SSL Library in C# with source
- cripting and decripting using open ssl library
- axTLS 是一个高度可配置的TLSv1 SSL库(客户端/服务器),用小内存系统的嵌入式SSL项目,包含一个小型的HTTP/HTTPS服务器axhttpd。-axTLS TLSv1 SSL library (client/server), a highly configurable, with a small memory embedded SSL project contains a small HTTP/HTTPS server axhttpd.
- 使用WSAAsyncSelect实现SSL通信,使用openssl库-To use WSAAsyncSelect achieve the SSL communication using the openssl library
- 各种加密解密源码ras des aes shal ssl md5等-All kinds of aes shal SSL encryption to decrypt the source code of the ras des md5, etc
- PolarSSL源码,也许是最小巧的ssl代码库。高效、便于移植和集成。-the ssl library
- webserver-ssl library This is part of revision 226 of the Stellaris SSL Web Server.
- Simple SSL WEB server using openSSL library
- delphi 下的indy9 中SSL的库文件,在开发https时很好用(The library files of SSL in indy9 under Delphi are very useful in developing HTTPS)