本书内容由三部分组成。第一部分介绍信息论与信息科学的基本知识, 第二部分介绍 Shannon 信息论的基本内容,第三部分介绍信息论的应用。本书叙述力求通俗简练,较长的定理证明将通过指定参考书给出,各章附有习题与注解说明。对大型的练习,如无失真数据压缩编码、有失真图象压缩编码、调制编码及其他编码技术作者编制了若干个大型的练习试验,作为信息论理论教学的补充与尝试,有条件的学校可以开设。~..~-contents of the book consists of three parts. The fir
The Shannon entropy is a measure of the average information content one is missing when one does not know the value of the random variable. The concept was introduced by Claude E. Shannon in his 1948 paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication".
高通滤波器,带通滤波器,数字FIR滤波器-The Shannon entropy is a measure of the average information content one is missing when one does not know the value of the random variable. The concept was introduced by Claude E. Shannon in his 1948 paper "A Mathematical Theory
用香农编码计算概率分布,信息论与编码实验内容。-The Shannon coding probability distribution, information theory and coding experiment content.