- DXTB 多功能编辑器 使用说明: 1.将 DXControls.dll 文件放于空间根目录的bin文件夹里. 2.在需要用编辑器的ASPX页面代码头部加入 3.在需要显示编辑器的位置插入代码: 4.其中 id 为编辑器的ID,Path为编辑器所需资源(如JS)所在的文件夹,Height为编辑器高度,Width为编辑器宽度-DXTB multifunctional editors use : 1. DXControls.dll document will be put in
- VB6.0用的最好的JSON解析工具。支持JSON消息的解析和处理。源代码值得一看,非常不错。官方网站:http://www.ediy.co.nz/vbjson-json-parser-library-in-vb6-xidc55680.html-VB-JSON is a Visual Basic 6 class library for parsing and emitting JSON (Javascr ipt Object Notation) and can handle nested arr
- JSkyv1.0汉化版,Web漏洞的网站安全综合检测工具 : SQL注入(SQL Injection ) 跨站脚本(XSS ) 不安全的对象引用(Unsecure object using ) 本地路径泄露(Local path disclosure ) 不安全的目录权限(Unsecure directory permissions ) 服务器漏洞如缓冲区溢出和配置错误(Server vulnerabilities like buffer overflow and configure err
- 详细讲解了*从无到有的开发过程,适合各类网页游戏*编写者作为范本参考,不管是新手还是内存挂编写者转型脚本挂都能从中获得很大收获-Detailed account of the development of plug-ins from scratch, suitable for all types of web page plug-game writers refer to as a model, whether novice or memory linked to the scr ipt w
- Flash+JS版的图片切换特效,与以往不同的是这一个是动态读取数据库,生成图片地址和链接文件,只要在后台添加好图片和链接,前台就会自动调用。 -Flash+ JS version of the picture switching effects, and the past is a different dynamic to read the database to generate addresses and links to picture files, as long as a goo
- 这是收集的一个js代码,源地址http://www.cnblogs.com/cloudgamer/ 摘要: Flash做动画时会用到Tween类,利用它可以做很多动画效果,例如缓动、弹簧等等。我这里要教大家的是怎么利用flash的Tween类的算法,来做js的Tween算法,并利用它做一些简单的缓动效果。-This is a collection of js code, source address http://www.cnblogs.com/cloudgamer/ Abstract: F
- 使用javascr ipt脚本实现IE的拖拽,数据下载等功能-IE using javascr ipt scr ipt implementation of drag and drop, data features such as download
- 静态树,直接打开就HTML能使用,如需修改,只要修改HTML文件就可以,例如加入超连接-Static tree, open the HTML can be directly used for modifications, as long as the HTML document can be modified, for example, by adding super-connected
- Ext JS发布正式版的3.0. ,RC结束 在经历数次RC版之后,extjs.com终于发布3。0的正式版了。总体而言,较2.0改进不大,依然还是那套组件模型,但具体的变化就按照website的标题介绍如下: * 提供了参照DWR后与后台的通讯包Direct,支持具有明显的REST风格的CRUD服务 * 一系列的新的组件和例子,包括有图表(Charting, By YUI Flash) * 功能增强和Bug修正,大约有1k多个吧~IE6下面的内存管理亦有所改善了
- 基于QT4的HTML编辑器,功能包含高亮html标签以及将js、ui等相应脚本对话框打包-HTML-editor based QT4, features include highlighting html tags as well as js, ui, etc. scr ipt dialog box, the corresponding package
- Jsteg_Mu可批量对JPEG图像进行Jsteg隐写。 Jpeg_Or 为jpeg密写的原始图像的文件夹, Jpeg_Di 为jpeg密写后密写了的图像的文件夹,code_file 为密写的文件,rate 为密写嵌入率.-Jsteg_Mu JPEG images can be batch Jsteg on steganography. Jpeg_Or jpeg steganography for the original image folder, Jpeg_Di as jpeg st
- 用Javascr ipt实现的日历文本,有日期和农历的显示,不过外形粗糙了一点。-as what I said that!
- 邮件服务器搭建 smtp,An SMTP/ESMTP Client module for Node.js (maybe one day in a far off gallaxy I might write the server) - Features: - Very basic protocol implementation - Very basic wrapper around the protocol to provide a bit of a nice interface
- This one solves boolean expressions with minterms as input.
- this one solves boolean tables with full table as input.
- js图片旋转,鼠标滑轮变大变小,可拖动div 等超炫功能-js image rotation, mouse wheel to change into small, cool features such as draggable div
- JS和LUA交互,主要是JS和LUA交互实现模版,可以作为参考-JS and LUA interactive, mainly JS and LUA interaction to achieve the template, can be used as reference
- 利用VB6.0计算指定日期在一年当中的排序,以1月1日为第一天。-Sort calculated using VB6.0 specified date in the year to January 1 as the first day.
- 威盘音乐外链调用vdisk(威盘)上传接口,再将vdisk那边返回的文件信息进行解析,获得解析地址,可实现在线播放以及调用到QQ空间背景音乐播放,免去了开绿钻的烦恼。-Wei disk music outside the chain of calls vdisk (K plate) interface to upload, and then there vdisk file information returns parsed get to resolve the address, you ca
微信JS-SDK 实例源代码 ASP版
- 微信JS-SDK 实例源代码 ASP版,主程序全部在,只要修改下就可以用了(WeChat JS-SDK example source code ASP version, the main program is all, as long as the modification can be used)