- his project was built and tested with WinAVR-20060125. Make sure the MCU target define in the Makefiles corresponds to the AVR you are using!! To build the code, just install WinAVR and run \"make\" from the console in echomaster and ech
- AVR单片机入门及C语言高效设计实践(六) ATMEAG16L的定时/计数器 ATMEAG16L有两个8位定时/计数器(T/C0、T,C2)和一个16位定时/计数器T/C1)。每一个计数器都支持PWM(脉冲宽度调制)输出功能。PWM输出在电机控制、开关电源、信号发生等领域有着广泛的应用。[第一段]-AVR C language portal and efficient design practice (6) ATMEAG16L the timer / counter All ATMEAG16
奇景OLED屏C0283QGLH-T AVR单片机驱动代码
- 奇景OLED屏C0283QGLH-T AVR单片机驱动代码
- 用了好久的AVR编程软件,不错,跟大家分享一下!,Used for a long time of AVR programming software, yes, to share with you!
- AVR的MEGA16通过TWI接口读写AT24C02,AVR through MEGA16 the TWI interface to read and write AT24C02
- Mega16读12位AD芯片TLC2543(硬件SPI传输) TLC2543驱动,将读到的ADC数据通过串口发送到 PC-Mega16 (external 7.37628M)+ TLC2543 TLC2543 driver will read the ADC data is sent to the PC through the serial port
- AVR最小系统的原理图及PCB图,不过忘了话指示灯。-sorry,i don t knowsorry,i don t knowsorry,i don t knowsorry,i don t know
- C语言实现的基于AVR 8位单片机的TWI通讯! 通过中断服务程序中的状态机,与TWI硬件状态机相配合,实现快速准确的数据交换!-C language based on the AVR 8-bit MCU s TWI communication! Through the interrupt service routine of the state machine, with the TWI hardware state machine matched the achievement of r
- avr Rtos 255 Task avr Rtos 255 Task-avr Rtos 255 Taskavr Rtos 255 Task
- AVR单片机T/c1用作定时器,PD0接的LED定时亮暗。-AVR Singlechip T/c1 used as timers, PD0 then the LED light the dark from time to time.
- 由AVR系列单片机的SPI口实现的TFT彩色液晶显示功能-By the AVR MCU SPI I implementation of the TFT color LCD display
- test avr with Codevision
- The Pololu 3pi robot is a small, high-performance, autonomous robot designed to excel in line-following and line-mazesolving competitions. Powered by four AAA batteries (not included) and a unique power system that runs the motors at a regulated
- For this project you need a 3.7v power supply that prepared by LM317 regulator. So you need MAX232 for connect uart to pc .my AVR chip project is Mega8 that you can program on any Avr chip have 2kbyte rom. In bascom spi hardware don’t work correct, s
- 采样率为sr,多选择II导联作为心电分析数据,该分析要用到的数据记录至少为1分钟的心电波形数据-void main() (E3BGX[ { const int N=15420 //N=sr*time M./3@A const int n=(int)sr*0.04,yanshi=(int)sr*0.2,back=(int)sr*0.04 //n=sr*0.04,yanshi=sr*0.2?,back=sr*0.04 PDl=!>u
- Small RTOS for AVR with preeptive multitasking
- TFT avr 视频 显示 代码全部都有-TFT avr video display code all of them
- AES 算法程序基于AVR单片机平台,很好用的-AES algorithm program AVR microcontroller-based platform to good use
- AVR Core Version 8 (Free). JTAG Programmer is fully compatible with one used in the Atmega128. So you may use Atmel s JTAG ICE to write/read "flash"(program memory) or "EEPROM". Free version of the core doesn t include JTAG OCD module.-AVR Core Ver
- 同2N分频系统设计 基于AVR ATmega16单片机 利用T/CO的自动装载特性-2N frequency with AVR ATmega16 Microcontroller based system design using T/CO characteristics of the automatic loading