- Trolltech公司发布的基于c++图形开发环境,支持大量的API,是Linux下的图形界面开发利器。-c++ graphic develop enviroment released by Trolltech company, the GDE which supports huge amount of API, is the sharp weapon of linux graphic development
- 这个程序提供了c#1.1,2.0,3.5下面的键盘和鼠标钩子,并提供一个模拟键盘和鼠标的示例程序。是不是通过它你就可以开发间谍程序呢?-This procedure provides the following c# 1.1,2.0,3.5 hook the keyboard and mouse, and to provide a simulation example of the keyboard and mouse procedures. Are not through it you ca
- A simple Windows program to open webcam in Winodow Pc using c# to call avicap32.dll (develop in sharp develop)
- 写给c#开发者的一本书,大家快来看看吧,是英文版的,希望对大家有用-c# developer wrote a book, come see us and see, is the English version and I hope useful for all of us. . .
- c sharp 开发的简单委托事件,适合于初学者有所帮助!-c sharp commissioned to develop a simple event, suitable for beginners help!
- this a sample c sharp source code to develop an electricity GUI environment.It really helps.Try it. -this is a sample c sharp source code to develop an electricity GUI environment.It really helps.Try it.
- this a sample c sharp source code to develop an grocery GUI environment.It really helps.Try it. -this is a sample c sharp source code to develop an grocery GUI environment.It really helps.Try it.
- this a sample c sharp source code to develop an Loan information GUI environment.It really helps.Try it. -this is a sample c sharp source code to develop an Loan information GUI environment.It really helps.Try it.
- this a sample c sharp source code to develop an School GUI environment.It really helps.Try it. -this is a sample c sharp source code to develop an School GUI environment.It really helps.Try it.
- 本书是打开Windows Forms编程之门的金钥匙,它所采用的编程语言是当前最为流行、最具潜力的c#。本书内容详尽充实,共分为3个部分:初识Windows Forms、Windows Forms基础和高级Windows Forms。通过本书的学习,读者能够迅速掌握通过.NET Framework开发Windows Forms程序的所有相关技术。无论对开发桌面应用程序的Windows程序员,还是正在学习Windows Forms知识的开发人员,或者是毫无Windows开发经验的初学者,相信本书都
- sharp DOM project allows you to develop HTML layout as c# code using all the power of modern object-oriented c# 4.0 language. You can use features of c# 4.0 like inheritance, polymorphism, etc. In other words, designing of HTML layout can be transfor
- c#开发的邮件收发程序,采用.NET2.0框架csharp develop for send and receid maild-sharp develop for send and receid maild
- How to develop Design Patterns in c sharp
- 本書主要介紹如何用c#開發Windows窗體網絡應用程序-This book describes how to develop Windows Forms with c# web application
- 熟悉c sharp 语言下,dotNET_2008开发环境.pdf-Under the familiar c sharp language, dotNET_2008 development environment. Pdf
- This simple application I develop, Dinner estimator demonstrates the Inheritance feature of OOP in c sharp.Net
- c# develop menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, cocok untuk pemula