- Event Calendar是一个在线事件日程,最初开发给教育性的机构使用,基于PHP和PostgreSQL,并支持SSL-Event Calendar is an online events calendar, originally developed for educational use, based on PHP and PostgreSQL, and supports SSL
- 在网页中添加事件日历,便于相互之间的通信和交流,同时提供编辑,删除过期事件等功能!-added to the website calendar of events, the correlation between the ease of communication and exchange, while providing editing, deletion of expired incidents function!
- wmoontab.zip: Table of New Moon Dates size 1347KB. Date and time of each new moon from 3000 B.C. to 3000 A.D. according to DE406. Text file of Julian dates and calendar dates, on the ephemeris time scale, of approximately 75,000 events. 新月(天
- 这是一个用wtl写的日历程序,应用xml来定义节日,假日,生日等。-Holidays Calendar is a daily calendar that shows all holidays or any other anniversaries defined in an XML file. It will help you to stay informed of all upcoming dates, birthdays, events, and holidays. When you use
- phpWebSite ,容许个人和群组用户很容易地维护一个交互式社区驱动的站点.phpWebSite是一个功能强大的网站内容管理系统。它提供了非常多的模块可以帮助你定制符合自己需求的网站。所有自phpWebSite输出的页面都符合XHTML1.0标准,并能够满足W3C的WAI要求。 主要功能: 基于WEB并易于使用的管理界面灵活的设计控制基于话题的发布交互式内容特点丰富的事件日历可定制的用户体验符合XHTML 和 WAI -phpWebSite, of individuals and gro
- Some extension for Joomla such as: language for Virtual Mart, Joomla 1.5 YouTube Plugin, Joomla Featured Articles Module , Events Calendar,-Some extension for Joomla such as: language for Virtual Mart, Joomla 1.5 YouTube Plugin, Joomla Featured Artic
- SchoolManagementSystem complete school management software designed to automate a school s diverse operations from classes, exams to school events calendar. This school software has a powerful online community to bring parents, teachers and student
- DotProject是一个免费的开源软件,一个基于WEB的PHP软件系统,做为一个项目管理的Framework,它包含了如下模块:公司、项目、任务(带甘特图)、论坛、文档、工作日历、联系人表、投票、帮助和多语言支持、用户/模块权限、主题等等模块,以简洁统一的界面满足了多种复杂的管理需求。 -DotProject is a free open source software, a WEB-PHP-based software system, as a project management F
- XCalendar is a collection of calendar utilities for Delphi. As you know the Delphi TDateTime type stores date/times as a floating point value representing the time passed from a specific time, or more precisely: The integral part of a Delphi
- 非常漂亮、实用的日历控件for .net 3.5,对于SQL数据表中带有日历的数据查找非常方便。控件只公开两个事件: SelectDateTime:返回单日选择时日历字符如:2010-02-03返回的值保存在SelectDate中 MulitiSelect:返回多日选择的日历字符:2010-05-01 2010-05-09 返回在RangeDate保存。在实现多日选择选按住键盘上的Shift键,后用鼠标选择日历上的日期即可。-Very beautiful, practical cal
- 此日历控件带十二生肖、农历、二十四节气,提供两个事件:单选及多选。适用于.net for win Form编程(.net framework 3.5)。内附使用说明-The Calendar control with the zodiac, lunar calendar, twenty-four solar terms, provide two events: the radio and multiple choice. Applicable. Net for win Form Programm
- php详细日程表,老外做的相当不错,可以学习参考- php-calendar A simple calendar to track events for an individual or group.
- android上的小日历程序,能够设置提醒时间,有大事纪念表-android on the small calendar program that can set the reminder time, there are events to commemorate the table
- View and update calendar events with your mobile phone. Instant update to all calendar users and views - no sync required.
- ASP源码,新闻文章,日历事件应用,备忘录 日历事件应用是一个备忘录类型的asp源码。 这个应用是由天天ASP家园用ASP开发的, 使用中有任何问题可以到以下地址给我们留言, 我们会在两小时内帮助你找到解决方案。-ASP source code, the application of news articles, calendar events, memo The calendar event application is a memo type ASP s
- AmaAdmin后台管理系统模板,漂亮大气,响应式布局设计,全套模板,包括登录页面、控制台、表单、博客管理、网页插件、网页元素、相册、个人资料、404错误页、按钮图标、统计报表、文字排版、客服支持、日历事件、发布文章、新闻订阅、图片视频分享、消息、手风琴、Tab选项卡、滚动条、进度条、分页样式等共24个后台模板页面。-AmaAdmin background management system template, nice atmosphere, responsive layout, a full
- calendar Events written by delphi
- 提供每天对应的日历事件,点击当前日期就可以查看到后台输入的日志,提供UBB模式-Provide daily corresponding calendar events, click on the date you can see to the backstage log, UBB mode
- 一维二维通用条码扫描器是本站发布的第一个条码扫描项目,条码扫描器在您的手机上使用摄像头读取条形码,查询产品的信息,如价格和评论。此外,还可以读取QR吗和Data Matrix二维条码。传统的条形码,如产品包装上印刷的也被称为一维条形码。常用的有几种类型,包括UPC和EAN。这些一维条码包括一个独特的代码,它通常描述了一种产品,如CD或一本书。你可以把这段代码拿到google或者百度,搜索一下就可以在互联网上找到价格评论等。二维条形码也是是常见的类似于微信的条形码,QR码可以包括的信息有:日历事件
- 安卓日程安排提醒日历源码是一款关于日历与行程安排的项目源码,点击日期可以转跳到日程新增界面,事件是提前定好的类型,提醒周期很丰富,可以按照周、年、月、日、小时和分钟为周期进行提醒,日历默认会显示一些节假日和纪念日信息。当日期被标记上事件以后会在日期右上角显示一个小红角作为提醒。-Android schedule to remind the calendar source code is a a calendar and schedule of the project source code, c