- 使用DirectShow功能实现的从视频中采集图像的程序,可以按频率、累计数量或视频内容的变化显著程序为依据,自动采集和保存图像。也可以作为使用摄像头的采集功能进行视频、图像处理的一般程序框架。供没有DirectX开发经验,但需要相应功能的图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉等方向的算法研究人员作为工具使用。在Visual Studio 2005环境开发。如果不是作为编程框架使用,则需要Intel OpenCV(开源)视觉库的支持。-execution functions of the video i
- 这是一个基于中芯微VC0706的方案开发的摄像头拍照存储系统,照片存在FLASH(W25Qxx系列)中。CPU为STC12LE5A16S2,如果用这个系列的芯片做其它产品,也可以用这个软件框架,相关的底层都有源码,可直接调用(只有这个产品用到的外设才有相应的底层,其它的需要自己编写)。另外,里面还包含了PC调试软件,可以按指定方式提取FLASH中的照片数据。说明文件基本没有,有需要的朋友,需要自己多看一下源码,也可以跟我联系(sqqdfny@163.com)。-This is a program
- 些软件实现了linux下v4l2及SDL框架的摄像头程序-Some software under the linux v4l2 and SDL framework camera program
- 获取电脑摄像头设备,并获取视频,保存视频文件,可以调整视频尺寸-An Easy Video Processing Framework by Grabbing Frames as Bitmaps using DirectShow, CAviCap and CFrameGrabber
- 本文实现了在连续视频数据流中几种不同的运动检测算法,他们都是基于当前帧图像和前一帧图像的比较,程序使用了AForge.NET framework库。其中的示例代码支持下面几种视频格式:AVI文件、网路相机的JPEG和MJPEG,本地的采集设备(USB相机等)。-This article implements a continuous video data stream in several different motion detection algorithms, they are based
- linux下的数字相机原理和编程框架介绍,很详细;-linux digital camera under the principles and programming framework introduced in detail
- 本文介绍了嵌入式Linux 系统中USB 设备驱动程序开发的基本原理, 通过分析USB 驱动程序开发的程序框架和重要数据结构, 实现了USB 摄像头的嵌入式Linux 驱动程序, 并在S3C2410 的平台上实现了图像采集。-This paper introduces embedded Linux system, USB device driver development of the basic principles, through the analysis of USB driver de
- 世界上最短的基于DXUT框架的第一人称摄像机例子,d3d的例程中的代码很长, 笔者就只想用其中的第一人称摄像机,花了好几天研究了多个相关例程,抽出 其中的摄像机,改写了最简单的摄像机例子,在学习d3d的坐标变换中晕头的弟兄们 哈哈... -The world s shortest DXUT framework based on first-person camera example, d3d code of the routine is very long, I
- 利用OpenGL製作的一個3D FPS遊戲的原型。 程式中展示了Terrain貼圖的產生與繪製方法、FPS遊戲攝影機的控制、簡單的物理運作、遊戲中Text Console的處理,與展示一個簡單但典型的遊戲框架。-Making use of OpenGL, a 3D FPS game prototype. Program demonstrated the Terrain Texture Generation and Rendering, FPS game camera control, a s
- Engine Introduction Many people have asked me for the DirectX demo C++ source code, so here it is. The Demo framework I ve build for creating the demos consist of the following components: * Kernel system, with scene manager, camera and simple
- 实现了MFC和OPENGL框架,能够对OPEGNL的模型平移,旋转,缩放,非常适合初学OPENGL的同学参考,对做有关图形学方面的毕设的同学是很有帮助的-Framework to achieve the MFC and OPENGL, the model can OPEGNL translation, rotation, scaling, very suitable for students beginners OPENGL reference on completion of terms of
- 基于MTK平台的通用Camera源代码框架-MTK platform based on common source code framework Camera
- 通过V4L2驱动的框架写的如何调用V4L2设备文件去获捕一张照片的程序。-Via V4L2 driver how to write the framework document to be called V4L2 device program catch a photo.
FAE Designing the Newest IP Network Camera DSP003
- TI官方关于DM365的IPCAM设计培训视频,包括硬件系统和软件框架结构。-TI DM365' s IPCAM on the design of the official training video, including hardware and software framework.
- 摄像头驱动实现源码分析 Spac5xx的实现是按照标准的USB VIDEO设备的驱动框架编写(其具体的驱动框架可参照/usr/src/linux/drivers/usb/usbvideo.c文件),整个源程序由四个主体部分组成:设备模块的初始化模块和卸载模块,上层软件接口模块,数据传输模块。-Camera driver source code analysis realization of Spac5xx is written VIDEO equipment in accordance with
- 飞思卡尔光电管、舵机、电机控制程序以及摄像头程序,主要为框架主程序。-Freescale phototube, steering gear, motor control procedures, as well as camera program, the main framework of the main program.
- he application will be written entirely in Javascr ipt, CSS and HTML. It will not be relying on a specific Javascr ipt framework, though it might rely temporarily on certain libraries for scaffolding purposes. The goal being to stay as close to the p
- 基于cortex-A9的android下的照相机照相程序(头文件和cpp程序),包含了相关的V4L2架构的相关头文件。-Camera based on Android cortex-A9 camera (header file and cpp code), including the relevant V4L2 framework of the relevant header file.
AForge.NET Framework-2.2.5
- Aforge.net for camera captire image使用方便(Aforge.net for camera captire image)
AForge.NET Framework-2.2.4
- 这是AForge框架源码,有AForge框架基本应用demo(Aforge control calls using the camera, stable, smooth, no Caton, you can call multiple cameras, the expansion of freedom.)