遗传算法和案例推理的C#代码,大家参考一下。,GA and Case-based Reasoning
在收集整理大量国内外相关研究文献的基础上,针对知识获取方法、 知识表示方法及推理策略等这些
关键技术相应的解决方法进行了分析,包括对传统方法的改进,如故障规则的自动获取、 组合的知识表示方法和
推理方法的多样化等,以及新理论新技术的应用,如基于案例的专家系统、 基于模糊的专家系统、 基于神经网络
的专家系统以及基于行为的专家系统等,并提出智能化、 网络化和集成化是未来故障诊断专家系统的发展方向。
-Collected a large number of domestic and
案例与规则推理的热风炉燃烧控制方法Case and Rule Reasoning stove combustion control-Case and Rule Reasoning stove combustion control
一个关于遗传算法(GA)、神经网络和案例推理(CBR)的算法程序-A genetic algorithm (GA) and case-based reasoning (CBR) algorithm program
TexLexAn is the project of an automatic text analyzer, classifier and summarizer. This software is at the frontier of the artificial intelligence and of the machine learning, and participates at its very modest level to the development of the softwar
地学中,对于高分辨率遥感影像分类以及特征提取中案例推理在地学中的发展以及应用-Geology, for high-resolution remote sensing image classification and feature extraction in case-based reasoning and application development in Earth Science
案例推理是通过寻找与之相似的历史案例,利用已有经验或结果中的特定知识即具体案例来解决新问题。(Case-based reasoning is by looking for similar case history, the use of experience or the results of specific knowledge that is specific case to solve the new problems.)
案例推理是通过寻找与之相似的历史案例,利用已有经验或结果中的特定知识即具体案例来解决新问题。(Case-based reasoning is by looking for similar case history, the use of experience or the results of specific knowledge that is specific case to solve the new problems.)
案例推理是通过寻找与之相似的历史案例,利用已有经验或结果中的特定知识即具体案例来解决新问题。(Case-based reasoning is by looking for similar case history, the use of experience or the results of specific knowledge that is specific case to solve the new problems.)
Case Based Reasoning (CBR) suatu model penalaran yang penggabungkan pemecahan masalah, pemahaman dan pembelajaran serta memadukan keseluruhannya dengan pemrosesan memori. Tugas tersebut dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan kasus yang pernah dialami oleh sis