- 为Symbol MC70编写的条码扫描程序.能识别二维码,一维码,可以设置条码分割字符.用于Symbol扫描枪开发测试.查看代码前请自行安装symbol开发类库EMDK-M-020403.exe-Written for the Symbol MC70 barcode scanner. Able to identify two-dimensional code, one-dimensional code, you can set the bar code character segmentatio
- 功能:4×4键盘扫描程序 返回:键序号(0~F),0xFF表示没有字符输入 软件特点:简洁高效,无须延时消抖,避免连发 编程语言:Keil-C -Function: 4 × 4 keyboard scanner return: key serial number (0 ~ F), 0xFF that there is no character input software features: simple and efficient, no need to delay extin
- 用C语言(或 C++ )作为宿主语言完成: Java语言词法分析器的设计和实现 其中具体要求: 1. 使用DFA实现词法分析器的设计; 2. 实现对Java源程序中注释的过滤; 3. 利用两对半缓冲区从文件中逐一读取单词; 4. 词法分析结果属性字流存放在独立文件(文件名:scanner_output)中; 5. 统计源程序每行单词的个数和整个源文件单词个数; 6. 具有报告词法错误和出错位置(源程序行号和该行字符)的功能; -Using C language
- 词法分析的主要任务是:从左到右逐个字符地扫描源程序,产生一个个单词(Token),同时检查源程序中的词法错误。执行词法分析的程序称为词法分析程序或扫描程序(Scanner)。-The main task of lexical analysis: one by one character to scan from left to right source to generate a one word (Token), also check the source of lexical errors.
- 基于STC12C5410AD单片机的人机交互图形界面设计,包含子模块LCD128x64字符图形显示和4x4键盘扫描程序设计。-STC12C5410AD based interactive GUI microcontroller design, including the sub-module LCD128x64 character graphics display and 4x4 keypad scanner design.
- FREESCALE 按键扫描程序。本程序主要包括以下功能: 1.设置锁相环和总线频率; 2.IO口使用; 3.SCI口使用:提供接收/发送字符、字符串、格式化字符串。 LED计数,根据灯亮可以读取系统循环了多少次-FREESCALE key scanner. This procedure includes the following features: 1. Setting PLL and the bus frequency 2.IO oral use 3.SCI port
- 词法分析的主要任务是:从左到右逐个字符地扫描源程序,产生一个个单词(Token),同时检查源程序中的词法错误。执行词法分析的程序称为词法分析程序或扫描程序(Scanner)。-Lexical analysis of the main tasks are: to scan source code character by character from left to right, resulting in one word (Token), also check the source of lex
- Character recognition, usually abbreviated to optical characte r recognition or shortened OCR, is the mechanical or electronic translation of images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text (usually captured by a scanner) into machine - edit
- Character Stream UTF16 Buffer for linux Device Driver.
- OCR (Optical Character Recognition,光学字符识别)是指电子设备(例如扫描仪或数码相机)检查纸上打印的字符,通过检测暗、亮的模式确定其形状,然后用字符识别方法将形状翻译成计算机文字的过程;即,针对印刷体字符,采用光学的方式将纸质文档中的文字转换成为黑白点阵的图像文件,并通过识别软件将图像中的文字转换成文本格式,供文字处理软件进一步编辑加工的技术。如何除错或利用辅助信息提高识别正确率,是OCR最重要的课题,ICR(Intelligent Character Reco
- 词法分析(英语:lexical analysis)是计算机科学中将字符序列转换为单词(Token)序列的过程。进行词法分析的程序或者函数叫作词法分析器(Lexical analyzer,简称Lexer),也叫扫描器(Scanner)。(Lexical analysis is the process of converting character sequence into token sequence in computer science. The program or function fo