- VC++九宫格拼图游戏源代码,九宫格相信大家都知道,九个格子,不过在书法上九宫格有不同的意思,这里只是一个九个格子的拼图游戏,只要你能拼对出一张完整的图形,你就成功了,小时候玩过这种小游戏。,VC++ source code puzzle squares, squares believe that we all know, the nine squares, but squares in calligraphy on a different meaning, there is only a la
- 这是小时候经常玩的一个游戏,现在看看游戏的源代码,或许会有不一样的感觉。-This is often a child playing a game, and now look at the game s source code, there may be a different feeling.
- have included this Multiple Document Interface example here because any game development requires a good editor for constructing the world or models. The editor should provide multiple views of the scene and therefore the most intuitive method is to
- 这个代码实现了一个比较简单的小游戏--大家小时候玩的用笔画图。可以让笔离开纸面,让笔接触纸面等等一系列命令。另外还扩展了它的命令集。-This code implements a relatively simple game- you use a pen drawing of a child to play. Can leave the pen on paper, so that contact paper pen a series of commands and so on. It also
- 这是一款模仿小时候个个都爱玩的坦克大战游戏,内部代码很详细,对学习游戏编程的人有很大帮组。-This is an imitation of a child everybody Tankedaizhan playing games, the internal code in great detail, learning the game programming to help people have a great group.
- 一个VC++ 可以全屏的俄罗斯方块游戏源程序,比较经典的游戏了,小时候经常玩的,请注意资源文件的相对目录位置,要不然全屏后一片空白,在VC6.0下可顺利编译。-VC++ can be a full-screen source code of the game Tetris, the classic game of comparison, the child often played, please note that the relative resource file directory lo
- VC++开发的一款小型游戏,也是大家小时候经常喜欢玩的游戏——俄罗斯方块,这是它的全部编码文件,供你继续开发出更有难度的俄罗斯方块。-VC++ development of a small game, is a child we often like to play games- Tetris, this is all the code it documents, for your more difficult to continue to develop the Russian box.
- 街霸J2ME源代码,小时候大家都玩过的经典游戏,街头霸王-Street Fighter J2ME source code, a child we all played the classic game, Street Fighter !!!!!
- 唉,无语了。 玩游戏的那么爱挂。随便做个挂要求输入Q和密码都愿意,。 唉可怜的孩子、 这个是什么世道啊 --------------- 无聊写了个DNF钓鱼的程序, 大家拿去慢慢研究吧 ------------ 说下那个注册的验证码。 是根据本机的硬盘序列号生产的,难后加密成MD5的密码 绝对防破解的。但是要是知道这个是几位数的话用暴力软件跑几分钟就出来咯。呵呵!~ --------------- 在说下,别用这个干坏事喔~~!!
- VC++三子棋游戏源码(类似五子棋) 三子棋游戏,玩法类似五子棋,在有些地方盛行这款游戏,像五子棋一样,尽量使自己的棋子凑成‘三’,这时你可以把对方任一个子废掉(该子将会变灰色,下子完了以后,它将会被去掉)。游戏主程序分服务端和客户端,自动监听端口,为网络对战打下基础,VC初学者把本游戏当作一个范例也不错哦 -Three sons, VC++ source code chess games (like backgammon) third son of chess games, games
- 基于VC++语言编写的俄罗斯方块游戏源码,非常经典的一款注游戏,记得在小时候,本游戏可是掌上游戏机里的最火爆的游戏。本游戏的编写立求简单、实用、易懂,代码绝对是您学习VC++游戏编写的好范例,特别是新手朋友,一定要看看哦。-VC++ based Tetris game written in source code, note a very classic game, I remember as a child, but the handheld video game, the game'
- VC++版俄罗斯方块游戏源码,左侧个性化控制按钮,游戏模式基本和其它的一样,方块形式和小时候玩的很相似,经典型,为VC++编程者提供参考吧。 -VC++ source code version of Tetris, the left control button personalization, and other game modes basically the same form and a child play with the box very similar to the clas
- 人机对战五子棋游戏源码 功能很简单,实现了五子棋的电脑对战,主要就是为了研究下电脑下棋算法,所以其他的功能和细节都没考虑,比如电脑最后的落子点我是直接用图片标示出来的,最好是另建一个线程来闪烁最后落子点,还有智能等级也是可以调节的,偏重于防守和进攻都可以修改代码中权值的设定来实现的,有兴趣的朋友可以在此基础上扩展一下。因为没有写谁先下棋的功能,可以模拟下电脑先下子,只需要你在边角上先下一子就可以了,相比下来,电脑先下的话,电脑赢的几率更大点,一共用到了三张图片,都在附件中。-The man-
- 一个小程序。。组合数学的nim取子游戏的简单代码-A small program. . Combinatorics of simple nim game code to take the child
- 一个小时候玩过的坦克游戏,使用DirectX编写,新手可以作为开发DirectX游戏参考。是我学做游戏的参考代码,相当不错!-A child played the tank game written using DirectX, DirectX game development novice as reference. I learned to do the game reference code is quite good!
- 快乐五子棋 完整的五子棋VC代码,代码中用到TCP协议进行网络通信,定义网络通信协议,绘制可以调整大小的棋盘,赢棋判断,游戏回放,网络连接状态检测,动态子对话框调整.-Happy renju Complete renju VC code, TCP protocol used in network communication, define network communication protocol, and paint can adjust the size of the board,
- java 做的单机版5子棋游戏,具有较为良好的代码结构。实现了人机互弈。网络部分没有写完。有兴趣的可以自己完成。-the child chess game of the stand-alone version of java do more good code structure. Human-machine mutual Yi. The network part is not finished. Interested can do it yourself.
- VB源码,游戏编程,撞球游戏 再次与大家分享一款基于VB.NET的撞球游戏,或者说是乒乓球游戏,小时候再那种掌上游戏机中常见的一款游戏,本次游戏带来了彩色版,增加了游戏的趣味性。 -VB source code, game programming, billiards game again to share with you one based on VB.NET pool games, table tennis game, a game for a child and then t
- 用c#编写的俄罗斯方块源码,提供了速度控制和画面颜色控制功能,其他功能上大体和小时候玩的游戏机一样。希望对大家有帮助. -Tetris source code written in c#, speed control and screen color control functions, other features general and child play the game consoles. I hope everyone has to help.
- VC++版俄罗斯方块游戏源码,左侧个性化控制按钮,游戏模式基本和其它的一样,方块形式和小时候玩的很相似,经典型,为VC++编程者提供参考吧。-VC++ source code version of the Tetris game, the left side of the personalized control buttons, game modes and other basic, like a child playing in block form and is very similar