- This a GUI based system. The GUI is invoked from the command line by typing \"ui_start\". The GUI is self explanatory. Tool tips are given in blue color. The cursor needs to be positioned on these for detailed explanation. The main file is \"run
- 彩色变换:对给定的一幅RGB原始图像(如bmp格式),给出并显示该图的R、G、B单色图像,绘制R、G、B图像各自的直方图;将RGB方式转换为HIS方式,再给出并显示该图的HIS三个分量的图像。-Colour change: given an RGB on the original image (such as bmp format) and displays the map given R, G, B color image, draw R, G, B histogram of each ima
- 一个可以以渐变色填充柱状图的类库- May to gradually change color a packing stick plot kind of storehouse
- 采用SHP文件组织的气象图形标绘程序,地图分球面和平面两种方式,可以标绘点、线、面等气象图形,可以设置颜色、线宽、填充色等多种样式。-SHP files using graphical meteorological organizations plotting procedures, sub-spherical and planar map in two ways, you can plot point, line, surface, such as weather graphics, you
- 根据MATHWORKS的plot3c改编,绘制色彩渐变曲线。转自-Plot3c in accordance with the MATHWORKS adaptation, gradual curve drawing color. Private Bang Bang
- 使用 PLOT(T,Y1,Y2,…])命令,绘图命令plot绘制x-y坐标图; 使用HOLD 命令,保持住该图形窗口的内容,再画一条线。并且该线型的颜色、标记符号可以选择。 利用PLOT(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,..XN,YN)语句, X1,Y1,X2,Y2,..XN,YN分别为向量对,每一对X-Y可画出多条图形。 使用PLOTYY命令,可设坐标。 利用二维绘图函数patch函数fill ,
- matlab 绘图 绘图函数:plot,plot3,mesh 函数的用法简单图形标注,简单颜色设定-Drawing matlab function: plot, plot3, mesh function marking the use of simple graphics, simple color settings
- MATLAB医学影像处理实验(内含14个原代码及教学的说明) (1)Plot a sine function using MATLAB, and write the data into a file (2)Read data from a file, plot a SINC function, and append the result back to the same file (3)Plot a Gaussian distribution using MATLAB (4)Fo
- 这个图形教程说明了如何将数据从Excel并创建一个图像。示例数据文件中。图形教程PowerPoint中完成。彩色打印,如果你能。右键单击该文件。缴费一旦下载打印。-This graphical tutorial shows how to bring data in from Excel and create a plot from it. Sample data file is included. Graphical tutorial is done in PowerPoint. Print i
- 一个3d可视化控件 ,不需要在进行编译 遵循Cpol-The control can perform the following functions: Axis customization, including customizable font, colors, and titles. Plot a large number of points and updating one or more plots on the graph with new data, replacin
- 图形用户界面(GUI)演示常见的二维函数图形。菜单条中含有5个菜单项:Plot、Option、LineStyle、Color和Quit。Plot中有Sine Wave、tsin(3t) Wave、2*exp(-0.5*x).*cos(pi*x) Wave、四页玫瑰曲线、阿基米德螺旋曲线和心形曲线六个子菜单项,分别控制在本图形窗口画出相应曲线。-Graphical user interface (GUI) shows the common two-dimensional graphics func
- Generate a 3D point plot of L=(x,y,z) using the values in the vector c to determine the color of each point. If c is empty, then z (column 3 of L) is used to color the plot. The data points are sorted so that plot3 is only called once for each
- CUBE plot a 3D box at given front bottom left angle coordinates and
- Descr iption The C++ Bitmap Library consists of simple, robust, optimized and portable 24-bit bitmap image processing algorithms for the C++ language. Capabilities The library has the following capabilities: Read/Write 24-bit Bitmap I
- 实现股价(收盘价)的分阶段画图,上涨为红色,下跌为绿色.-plot stock price:go up with red color, go down with green color.
- stanford大学完好性项目中用来计算PL、AL并表示可用性关系的画图程序,也称为Stanford Plot-VPLSTAT(FNAME, PATH, VAL1, VAL2) reads the given file of TMS Vertical Protection Limit statistics and plots the color coded histogram. In addition the regions of integrity failure
- it is used to plot cicul by nice way. Plot a circle v - center (either 2 or 3 dimensional vector) r - radius default = 1 c - color default = white n - number of plot points default = 20 -it is used to plot cicul by nice way.
- CIE色度图绘制。 从CIE1931数据点开始,光刺激波长从360nm到830nm,间隔1nm,很准确的马蹄形图。色度图中贴入CIE1976均匀色空间彩色映射图。同时画出BT709和BT2020三角形色域,D65坐标。需要表示色域覆盖的文章,是绝好的插图。-CIE chromaticity diagram plotted. Starting CIE1931 data point, light stimulation wavelengths 360nm to 830nm, interval 1n
color bar
- 主要是交通行业的时空矩阵的3维热力图表达方式,不同检测器与不同时间段的流量作为颜色的第三位导入,热力图调整颜色表达更清晰(mianly used for transportation engineering. It can plot the three dimension of the real traffic situation, including different temporal and spatial. the code also can modify the parameter
- IDL实现读文件、二维数组画图、修改背景色(IDL implements read file, 2d array drawing, change background color.)