- 命令行输入库,配合ZEBRA 等使用,可用于路由器等需要人机对话界面,减少开发量-Command line input library with the use of ZEBRA, etc., can be used for routers, such as the need for man-machine interface dialogue, reduce the development of the volume of
- The "1818" is my first search word in this website, So I upload Lcd drive(Ssd1818a) C language code as my support. 96*64 dot matrix Graphic LCD controller: SSD1818A Parallel interface Initial routine code Command write and Data write
- MIL Image processing library
- 该程序利用vc++实现了简单的图书管功能,包括借书,还书,添加读者等,并且是在命令符界面中-The program use vc++ to achieve a simple control functions of the book, including the library, books, and other readers to add and address in the command interface
- mc55 at command library, very useful
- 蚁群算法的模拟实现 安装JDK,配置环境变量,导入项目,一般情况下直接保存、运行ant.UI即可启动程序。如果不能运行,将文件夹下的swt.jar加入构建路径,然后在运行中的JVM参数中加入-Djava.library.path="dll所在目录的绝对路径"即可。 也可以在命令行下直接运行该程序,假设文件夹放在D盘跟目录。则在cmd下切换到文件夹下,运行如下命令即可启动程序。-Simulation and Realization of ant colony algorithm
- 练习使用vi,使用UNIX的系统调用和库函数,体会UNIX文件通配符的处理方式以及命令对选项的处理方式。与ls命令类似,命令行参数可以有0到多个,实现自定义选项r,a,l,h,m以及--. ——北京邮电大学计算机系Cc-Practice to use vi, use the UNIX system calls and library functions, experience of UNIX file handling of wildcards, and command of the optio
- this a at command library for sim300 gprs modem you can add it in your project and use it-this is a at command library for sim300 gprs modem you can add it in your project and use it
- 图书管理系统用c语言编写,在命令行下运行。适合本科c语言课程设计-Library management system using c language, run the command line. C language curriculum for undergraduate
- library which computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large sparse matrices, accessible via the built-in EIGS command-library which computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large sparse matrices, accessible via the built-in EIGS command
- SQLite库包含一个名字叫做sqlite3的命令行,它可以让用户手工输入并执行面向SQLite数据库的SQL命令。本文档提供一个样使用sqlite3的简要说明。-SQLite library includes a name called sqlite3 command line, it allows users to manually enter and execute SQL commands for the SQLite database. This document provides
- 立象打印机代码与动态库 有delphi源码 动态库-delphi program
- 学校图书馆管理系统 使用了SQL Server 2005数据库,在调试之前需要作者按照书中数据库表结构自己设计数据库。 主程序文件是LibraryMagSys.dsw,使用Visual C++6.0打开此文件,然后使用工具栏中的“Build”命令即可 调试。管理员用户名是admin,密码是admin-The school library management systems use SQL Server 2005 database, and in need of in acco
- YLMF RFID Read/Write module,Running with AVR ,with full command library.easy to use
- Task Scheduler is the Windows service that schedules and automatically starts programs. Windows Explorer presents a user interface to the service when you browse the WINDIR \TASKS folder, typically from the shortcut in the control panel. From the com
- GDAL是一个在X/MIT许可协议下的开源栅格空间数据转换库。它利用抽象数据模型来表达所支持的各种文件格式。它还有一系列命令行工具来进行数据转换和处理。-Is an open source GDAL raster spatial data conversion library in the X/MIT license agreement. It uses abstract data model to express a variety of file formats are supported.
- c语言,用class编的图书馆借还系统。举例如下: Welcome to the library management system, please type your commands. > listbook There is no book in the system. > listcustomer There is no customer in the system. > addbook 1 book1 book1 added to the
- 易语言自更新提示,命令库版。可修改。dll命令-Easy language since update prompt, command library version. It can be modified. dll command
- 易语言软件合并,让易语言和其他可执行exe程序 合并。也可用于命令库。-Easy language software merger, so the easy language and other executable program exe merge. It can also be used for command library.
- The BRichTextEditor control itself is pretty straightforward. It is a user control with two constituent controls a WPF RichTextBox control and a formatting toolbar. The formatting buttons are wired to commands the WPF command library.-The BRichTextEd