- 开发环境:Delphi 简要说明:TGABase is a abstract class. You must Derivate a sub_class from it. You must override abstract function calculateFitness. By the way, this class can only get minimum solution -development environment : Delphi Brief Descr iption :
- Interface for Microsoft Audio Compression Manager. - Delphi Source The ACM uses existing driver interface hooks to override the default mapping algorithm for waveform audio devices. This allows the ACM to intercept device-open calls. After a cal
- TELNET 对远程主机进行TELNET.- CurrResult: String CmdInfos: TStringList CreateTime: TDateTime //登陆 function LoginHost(AsHostIp:string AsHostPort:integer AsUserId: string AsPassWord: string): string //发送命令
- delphi中类的覆盖编程实例,演示了如何进行方法的覆盖,采用delphi 7开发-delphi programming examples covered in class, demonstrates how to approach the coverage, using delphi 7 development