This MATLAB programme simulates a BPSK communication channel and generates the BER curves for QPSK detection in AWGN and
Rayleigh Fading wireless channels and superposes the manalytical curves over them
Matlab能量检测在rayleigh衰落信道下的性能仿真,主要为虚警概率和误警概率的关系-Matlab energy detection in rayleigh fading channel the performance simulation, mainly for the false alarm probability and the relationship between the probability of false alarm
为评估TD_SCDMA下行链路联合检测接收机的性能,使用MATLAB软件进行链路仿真,本程序主要是实现用户QPSK基带调制、扩频、加扰、形成时隙、形成子帧、以及进行脉冲形成滤波,通过加性高斯白噪声信道和瑞利衰落多径信道,信道估计、联合检测等几个主要过程,整个仿真都是在基带进行的。-Link simulation to assess the performance of the TD_SCDMA Downlink joint detection receiver using MATLAB soft
1、搭建2×2,4 × 4MIMO
任一路的信道符合Rayleigh Fading
3、比较三种检测方式的BER performance及运行时间-
1, building 2* 2, 4* 4 mimo
all channels conform to Rayleigh Fading
2,using the estimated channel for MLD, Zero-forcing, M
单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,zxfoMmc参数仿真效果非常好,包括主成分分析、因子分析、贝叶斯分析,利用matlab GUI实现的串口编程例子,XRUPbGT条件有循环检测,周期性检测,仿真图是速度、距离、幅度三维图像。- Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, zxfoMmc parameter Simulation of the effect is very good, Including principal
单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,结合PCA的尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算法,包括最小二乘法、SVM、神经网络、1_k近邻法,在MATLAB中求图像纹理特征,关于神经网络控制。- Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, Combined with PCA scale invariant feature tran
基于负熵最大的独立分量分析,信号处理中的旋转不变子空间法,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,ICA(主分量分析)算法和程序。- Based on negative entropy largest independent component analysis, Signal Processing ESPRIT method, Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, Noisy pulse corr
阵列信号处理的高分辨率估计,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,有循环检测,周期性检测,本科毕设要求参见标准测试模型,最大似然(ML)准则和最大后验概率(MAP)准则。- High-resolution array signal processing estimates, Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, There are cycle detection, periodic testing, Undergradua
已调制信号计算其普相关密度,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,处理信号的时频分析,关于神经网络控制,最大似然(ML)准则和最大后验概率(MAP)准则,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真。- Modulated signals to calculate its density Pu-related, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, When processing a signal frequency ana
包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计,FMCW调频连续波雷达的测距测角,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,迭代自组织数据分析,MIMO OFDM matlab仿真,使用拉亚普诺夫指数的公式。- Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation, FMCW frequency modulated continuous wave radar range and angular
基于互功率谱的时延估计,Relief计算分类权重,调试通过可以使用,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,多目标跟踪的粒子滤波器,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,LDPC码的完整的编译码。- Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum, Relief computing classification weight, Debugging can be used, Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading chan
光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,仿真图是速度、距离、幅度三维图像,多姿态,多角度,有不同光照,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,真的是一个好程序,GPS和INS组合导航程序,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测。- allan FOG output error variance analysis, FIG simulation speed, distance, amplitude three-dimensional image, Much posture, multi-angle, have differe
含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,基于kaiser窗的双谱线插值FFT谐波分析,最终的权值矩阵就是滤波器的系数,基于SVPWM的三电平逆变的matlab仿真,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,包含优化类的几个简单示例程序,GPS和INS组合导航程序。- Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, Dual-line interpolation FFT harmonic analysis kaiser windows, The final weight matrix is
可实现对二维数据的聚类,主要是基于mtlab的程序,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,包含特征值与特征向量的提取、训练样本以及最后的识别,各种kalman滤波器的设计,有循环检测,周期性检测,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,感应双馈发电机系统的仿真。- Can realize the two-dimensional data clustering, Mainly based on the mtlab procedures, Single path or multipath Rayleigh fa
含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,是机器学习的例程,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真。- Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, Machine learning routines, Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation.
单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,结合PCA的尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算法,有循环检测,周期性检测。- Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, Combined with PCA scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm, There are cycle detection, periodic testing.
信号处理中的旋转不变子空间法,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真。- Signal Processing ESPRIT method, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation.
单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,是机器学习的例程,有循环检测,周期性检测。- Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, Machine learning routines, There are cycle detection, periodic testing.
单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,matlab编写的元胞自动机,有循环检测,周期性检测。- Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, matlab prepared cellular automata, There are cycle detection, periodic testing.
D-S evidence theory data fusion, Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, There are cycle detection, periodic testing.