该程序使用tc2.0编译,带有图形界面和可输入命令的简易控制台 源代码较长,但总共就两大部分——进程调度部分和图形界面部分。 /*多道系统动态优先级调度算法及可变大小内存分配模拟*/-the procedures used tc2.0 compiler, with a graphical interface and can import orders of the source code for simple console longer, but the majority of the tot
3G系统中动态信道分配的研究,对于固定和可移动边界两种方案进行了仿真实现,可移动边界方案显示出了明显的优势。-3G system, dynamic channel allocation study, fixed and moving boundary for the two scenarios were simulated to achieve, removable border program showed a clear advantage.
动态信道分配的一种完全共享方案,所有用户和业务可以根据实际情况动态使用系统的时隙和频率资源-Dynamic channel allocation in a complete sharing scheme, all users and businesses can use the system according to the actual situation of dynamic time slot and frequency resources
该段程序时对动态信道分配进行网络仿真的代码-The program segment of the dynamic channel allocation network simulation code
this file describe a new model for Dynamic Channel Allocation
本书在多载波技术的基础上讨论和研究了OFDM通信系统的关键技术,包括基本原理、信道估计、动态信道比特和功率分配-Book based on the multi-carrier technology to discuss and study the OFDM communication system, key technologies, including basic theory, channel estimation, dynamic channel bit and power allocat
三种动态信道分配算法的比较,一种为随机分配算法,另外两种用于认知无线电领域,一种为从资源角度出发的RP算法,一种是从需求角度出发的DP算法。-Three dynamic channel allocation algorithm for comparison, a random allocation algorithm, the other two areas for cognitive radio, a perspective from the resources of the RP algor
GSM网络的动态信道分配,对于初学这方面的同学有很大帮助-GSM network, dynamic channel allocation, for the beginner in this area of great help to students
Vehicom LTE Link Level Simulator -The LTE link level simulator is a comprehensive simulation software used for algorithm development, performance evaluation and system validation associated with LTE systems. The simulator have Matlab and C versions.
该程序实现了基于遗传免疫算法的动态信道分配算法-Immune algorithm based on genetic dynamic channel assignment algorithm
The objective of this project is to investigate the possibility of applying a dynamic channel allocation to cMCN. The proposed method is a multihop dynamic channel assignment (MDCA) scheme that works by assigning channels based on interference infor
认知无线电中动态信道分配算法评估,对接入时延、切换频率、切换时延、吞吐量、用户公平性、中断概率指标的评估-Assessment of cognitive radio, dynamic channel allocation algorithm assessment, the access delay, switching frequency, switching delay, throughput, user fairness, outage probability indicators
认知无线电中按照用户优先设计的动态信道分配算法-Cognitive radio designed according to user preference dynamic channel allocation algorithm
引入新的如数据套接层、全站式模版及标签、基于XML的XCML标准(包括动态配置计划、语言包、模板机制等)、频道分目录结构等更为强大而高效的互动机制及基础的同时,也将带来可能的新的BUG和不稳定因素-And basic interactive mechanisms, such as the introduction of a new data socket layer, total station and label templates, XML-based standard XCML (incl
数据包传送源码程序,各种资源分配算法实现,有信道编码,调制,信道估计等,用MATLAB实现动态聚类或迭代自组织数据分析,自己编的5种调制信号,仿真效率很高的。- Data packet transfer source program, Various resource allocation algorithm, Channel coding, modulation, channel estimation, Using MATLAB dynamic clustering or iterative
用生物免疫算法和遗传算法实现动态信道分配-Biological immune and genetic algorithms for dynamic channel allocation