- the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolution spectral estimation of target reflectivity. all seven
- the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)fi
- the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)fi
- the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)fi
- the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)fi
- the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)fi
- the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)fi
- the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)fi
- the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)fi
- the simulation provides computation of target reflectivity data in the deficient elevation domain. Simulations are implemented to test the decoupled least-squares technique for high resolutionspectral estimation of target reflectivity.all seven (7)fi
- SKYPLOT for a given receiver position Y=skyplot(X,PRN,C,O) draws the skyplot for the receiver position. The required inputdata for the calculation of the skyplot X is N-by-3*M matrix, where N are the timesteps and M is the number of the Sat
- ELEVAT calculation for elevation, zenit angle and spatial distance e_az_s=elevat(D,RHO) computes the elevation, the zenit angle and the spatial distance between a satellite(j) and a receiver(i). The receiver position (D) is a 3-by-3 matrix
- 这个程序可以计算给定点处的小区信号范围覆盖。-is program computes a map of visibility from a selected point on a topography. It has been written to help the search for radio relay best location. Because it considers only direct line of sight, it gives a good estimation for
- The actual version requires the following MATLAB toolboxes: - Mapping toolbox (for elevation()) - Image Processing Toolbox (for imshow()) A providing of toolbox independent functions would be greatly acknowledged. You may tweak the sourcec
- 从高程图(digital elevation map)读取地形高度数据,将地形数据组织成均匀三角网格,通过OpenGL绘制三维地形,并进行地形纹理贴图。同时要求实现地形的漫游,即可以前后左右移动视点来观察地形。-From the elevation map (digital elevation map) to read the terrain elevation data, terrain data will be organized into a uniform mesh, through t
- Function returns elevation map and descr iption data with coordinates
- 竖曲线轨枕点高程计算程序,每隔0.625米算一个,输出到wps excel中。-Vertical curve sleeper point elevation calculation program, considered one every 0.625 m output to wps excel in.
- teqc生成那8个compact文件,注意不是compact2或compact3,可以快速画图,比qcview方便多了,又快有美观!至于compact文件我会另外上传!- TEQCFV Read and plot TEQC report files (fast view) TEQC is the Toolkit for GPS/GLONASS/SBAS Data used to solve many pre-processing problems with G
- 采用数值积分法求解相对量运动微分方程组,计算燃料相对质量因数。速度V =500m/s,时间t =3s,x方向位置x =674m,y方向位置y =329m,初始攻角 ,初始弹道倾角 -Using numerical integration method to solve the relative motion differential equations, the calculation of fuel relative quality factor. Velocity V = 500 m/s,
- Lets use Hata model for a medium city to find the received signal levels at various distances = 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 Kilometers the base station operating at 870 MHz. The following data is given: Height of the radiation centerline measured the base