- 最近在研究魅族M8也就是Windows Mobile6.0系统下的数据库编程,打算开发M8Money个人记账软件,为了让数据库更严谨,秉承一贯的作风,对个人帐号的password字段进行MD5散列,我所使用的是轻量级嵌入式数据库sqlite (仅有几K大小)并没有大多数流行数据库提供的password()内置函数,(但这丝毫没有降低我对sqlite的好感,一款强大的跨平台+嵌入式数据库,支持标准SQL语法,纯粹由C代码组成)。网上找了很多MD5加密的代码,自己又重新研究了一下《密码学》,综合各方
- 本实例提供了在wince5.0下如何使用SQL Server CE 数据库开发,使得在嵌入式也能应用关系型数据库 C#语言,运行环境VS.NET2005-This example provides a wince5.0 how to use SQL Server CE database development, so can be applied in embedded relational database C# language and runtime environment VS.NET2
- 嵌入式SQL程序的VC 里面有实现嵌入式的功能 弄了好久才有-Embedded SQL programs for embedded inside the VC function get for a long time only
- 一个快速、多线程的内存数据库引擎。可以工作在嵌入模式或者 C/S 模式。-CSQL is a fast, multi-threaded SQL main memory database engine. It works in both embedded mode (database client and server run in the same host) and client/server mode. It provides very high throughput of 100,000
- SQLite Wrapper for C-This is a simple SQLite wrapper written in c++. SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine,fully tested. SQLite does not have a separate server process. SQLite reads and writes directly to ordinary disk files. The descr iption a
- C++ (pronounced cee plus plus) is a general purpose programming language. It has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features, while also providing the facilities for low level memory manipulation. It is designed with a bias for
- C++ (pronounced cee plus plus) is a general purpose programming language. It has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features, while also providing the facilities for low level memory manipulation. It is designed with a bias for
- SQL和C语言链接是用到的库文件,应用于嵌入式SQL语言-SQL and C language library file link is used, the language used in embedded SQL
- SQLite Wrapper for C-This is a simple SQLite wrapper written in c++. SQLite is an embedded SQL engine,fully tested. SQLite does not have a separate server process. SQLite reads and writes directly to ordinary disk files.The descr iption about SQLite