- 我自己用vc写的语音特征提取程序,执行程序后,在上面的搜索前输入你的音频文件的路径,按搜索就回把把结果存放到e:/tt.dat里面,你还要在e盘建立一个tt.txt文件-I write with vc voice feature extraction procedures, implementation procedures, in the above search before you import the audio files path, according to search put b
- This PNG Delphi version 1.56 documentation (this version is a major rewrite intended to replace the previous version, 1.2). Improvements in this new version includes: This new version allows the programmer to not use Delphi heavy units which
- This model is just testing an idea of MIMO, which IEEE802.11n will have. But I havo not seen the standard, I tried to make it with 11a. Actually this model would not work in real world, because the preambles were not designed to solve the
- MiniAsylum 1.1 一个小型木马,服务器端只有5K,功能也相对要少一点,只有上传和远程执行程序功能,不过这就够了,这个木马最大的特点的可以通过代理来访问服务器端。 默认设置 端口:23432 自启动程序:c:\\windows\\wincmp32.exe [System.ini] shell=explorer.exe wincmp32.exe -MiniAsylum a small 1.1 Trojan, the server-only 5K. func
- Use your own images to make picture frames The program adpframe.m makes picture frames and then frames an image using that frame. Some patterns are provided in the zipped file, which can be used to make frames and then frame images. Special Fe
- 一个包含有客户端eib协议栈并且功能有ETS3 工具类似的开源程序。德国人写的。-$Id: README.txt,v 2001/02/21 13:41:00 thofoer Exp $ ============================================================================= freeTS V0.0.5 freeTS is still under development. Many feature
- 家电维修管理系统 E语言开发 “家电维修管理系统”软件。这是专为家电维修行业定制的集维修、元件管理、元件销售、店面日常工作记录及维修售后服务管理为一体的专业软件。软件的最大特点,紧紧围绕家电维修行业的实际需要。元器件管理采用表格和图形结构,直观方便,界面亲切友好。采用了图形模式实现大量复杂枯燥的经营分析,使管理分析乐趣无穷。是个人和老板公司 的好助手-Appliance maintenance management system E language development applian
- c++的语法分析程序 包括first集和follow集 功能比较齐全 编译老师留的大作业-c++ the syntax analysis process includes the first set and follow relatively complete feature set to remain the largest teachers compile operation
- 内网渗透利器 特别是反向socks代理功能非常好-Intranet penetration weapon in particular, the reverse proxy feature very good socks
- 用ASP语言编写的一个电子商务网站,其它前后台都有非常强大的功能-Written in a language with the ASP e-commerce site, the other around the station has a very powerful feature
- 使用C++开发的电子商务系统,功能比较全面,基本功能都有。 -The use of C++ development of e-commerce system, feature a more comprehensive, the basic functions of both.
- 根据摄像机透视投影模型, 通过提取特征点进行摄像机的运动估计, 提出一种基于FMA的补偿方法Z该方法针对图像连续帧间晃动幅度较大的情况, 通过均值滤波合成当前帧及其前几帧的运 动进行补偿。-A mo t ion model is p resen ted to est im ate the mo t ion param eters fo r im age stab ilizat ion by t rack ing featu re po in t s f rom con secu t iv
- 用于管理客户和员工信息的名片夹管理功能。 用于对常用短语及其类别进行管理的信息库管理功能。 短信群发功能。 邮件群发功能。 发送邮件附件的功能-Used to manage customer and employee contacts information management function. Common phrases and categories used for the management of an Information Management function
- 秩约束多帧特征对应算法Rank constraint algorithm for multi-frame feature correspondence-Rank constraint algorithm for multi-frame feature correspondence
- 基于傅里叶变换的掌纹识别!该方法的基本思想是先将掌纹图像应用傅立叶变换转换到频域,然后在频域中进行特征提取和描述.提取取出来的特征备用来索引掌纹数据库,以便当一个新的掌纹图像被输入时,可以很快确定该手掌是否已经在掌纹库中注册. 已通过测试。 -Based on the Fourier transform of the palmprint recognition! The basic idea is first Fourier Transfoorm palmprint image to swi
- 信带来一款支持地下城与勇士偷渡的源码,此工具可以长期免更新,我写了自动获取特征了,实现DNF偷渡提前更新游戏,维护好了可以第一时间进游戏体验-Letter to bring a support source DNF smuggling, this tool can be long-term free update, I write automatically get feature DNF illegal immigrants ahead of time to update the game,
- ECG Feature Extraction Techniques E CG Feature Extraction Techniques ECG Feature Extraction Techniques ECG Feature Extraction Techniques-ECG Feature Extraction Techniques ECG Feature Extraction Techniques ECG Feature Extraction Techniques ECG Fe
- e语言模块,取CPU特征字,ec格式加载后使用。E语言模块都是可以自己编写的。-e language module, take the CPU character of the word, ec format after reload. E language modules can all be prepared their own.
- 采用模板技术,代码与界面分离 内置所见即所得编辑器和ubb编辑器,自由切换。 支持多管理员,权限自由分配。 支持二级文章分类(每级都可添加文章)。 支持文章内容分页显示。 支持投稿功能。 支持专题文章。 -Using template technology, code interface separation Built-in WYSIWYG editor and ubb editor, free to switch. Support multiple
- all feature extracting algorithm for brain computer interface