- a collection of M-files to study concepts in the following areas of Fuzzy-Set-Theory: Fuzzy or Multivalued Logic, The Calculus of Fuzzy, Quantities, Approximate Reasoning, Possibility Theory, Fuzzy Control, Neuro-Fuzzy Systems.
- 短期负荷预测对电力系统的经济和安全运行有重要作用随着人工智能技术和高深数学理论的发展,为负荷预测研究开辟了新途径和新方法电力市场竞争机制引入对负荷预测提出新要求各种随机因素对负荷预测的影响尚未取得完善研究方法据此对负荷预测的研究一直是人们研究的热点本文是根据课题组研究工作在总结的基础上重点介绍模糊集理论数据挖掘小波分析混沌理论的负荷预测研究 关键词短期负荷预测智能技术模糊集理论数据挖掘小波分析混沌理论-short-term load forecasts on the power system
- The neuro-fuzzy software for identification and data analysis has been implemented in the MATLAB language ver. 4.2. The software trains a fuzzy architecture, inspired to Takagi-Sugeno approach, on the basis of a training set of N (single) outpu
- mf()计算模糊集合中论语元素的隶属度,y代表中心值,z代表分布参数,隶属度函数采用对称三角函数-mf () calculated fuzzy set Analects elements of membership, y values represent the Center, z representatives distribution parameters, membership function symmetrical trigonometry
- 此模块封装了GDI+1.1里面的Effect,在模块里是“GP效果类”,这个类只是一个基类,真正要使用的是它的子类,包括: “GP模糊类”、“GP锐化类”、“GP色调类”、“GP红眼修正类”、“GP颜色矩阵效果类”、“GP颜色查找表类”、“GP亮度对比度类”、“GP色相饱和亮度类” “GP色彩平衡类”、“GP色阶类”、“GP颜色曲线类” 使用步骤:(拿 GP模糊类 打比方) 1、创建一个“GP模糊类” 2、调用“GP模糊类.置参数()”方法,设置模糊参数 3、
- 模糊SOM神经网络,将模糊集理论和SOM神经网络的结合,用于聚类,产生良好效果。-Fuzzy SOM neural network,the combination of fuzzy set theory and SOM neural network ,for clustering to produce good results.
- A Java class representation of a fuzzy cognitive map which contains a set of factors and relationships between them.
- AFS (Axiomatic Fuzzy Set)理论,我们老师与澳大利亚的一个教授合写的,可可以说这个理论是他们原创的,一经发表了好几篇SCI论文,文章里面有matlab 的代码!-In this paper, we introduce the basic ideas and the results of AFS (Axiomatic Fuzzy Set) theory with some simple illustrative examples. All operations and the
- (压缩包里一共有5个代码) pca+lda+粗糙集+模糊神经网络 saveORLimage.m将ORL人脸库分为测试集ptest和训练集pstudy存为imagedata.mat 1.savelda.m将人脸库先进行pca降维,再用lda进行特征提取,得到新的测试集ldatest和训练集ldastudy存为imageldadata.mat 2.对ldastudy进行离散化(discretimage.m),得到离散化矩阵disdata,存入到imagedisdata.mat
- 图像识别概述统计模式的识别方法、结构语句的识别方法、模糊集识别法、神经网络识别法等-Image recognition methods outlined in the statistical model identification, structure identification method statements, fuzzy set identification method, neural network identification method, etc.
- FUZZY LOGIC WITH ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS(2nd Edition) Author: Timothy J. Ross Introduction:The second edition of this text has been ‘‘on the drawing board’’ for quite some time.Since the first edition was published, in 1995, the technology of fu
- 这是有关模糊集的知识,里面有一些MATLAB仿真代码,希望对大家有帮助-This is the fuzzy set of knowledge, there are a number of MATLAB simulation code, we want to help
- 模糊集相关论文 讨论模糊集在信息领域的应用-Related paper discusses fuzzy set fuzzy set applications in the field of information
- 介绍模糊集的基本概念,并附带matlab程序。较好的一本关于模糊集的书,可用于自学。-Introduce to Fuzzy Logic using matlab.
- 图像预处理的关键技术之一即是图像增强。相对于传统方法所不同的是,本方法是基于模糊理论所提出来的。希望对大家有所帮助!-One of the key technologies of the image pre-processing image enhancement. Compared to traditional methods, this method is based on fuzzy theory mentioned. We want to help!
- 基于模糊集的图像增强算法,适合于初学者使用,能够较快上手-Fuzzy set of image enhancement, suitable for beginners to use, can quickly get started
- Fuzzy logic systems (FLSs) usually employ type-1 fuzzy sets and represent uncertainty by numbers in the range [0,1] which are referred to as degrees of membership. Type-2 fuzzy sets are an extension of type-1 fuzzy sets with an additional dim
- It is about how to set FUZZY Operation.
- matlab program for fuzzy set operationGpM
Fuzzy PID Logic
- 根据模糊PID控制逻辑建立PID的三个输出参数的模糊控制逻辑fis文件(According to the fuzzy PID control logic, the fuzzy control logic FIS file of the three output parameters of PID is set up.)