- p2p经典组网协议Gossip。此协议为基本p2p网络协议之一,可帮助组建p2p网络-p2p network agreement classic Gossip. This agreement as the basic one of p2p network protocols to help the formation of p2p networks
- 提出了一个新奇的用来构建和维护覆盖网拓扑的一般机制。该机制基于gossip模式,节点和随机选择的对等体交换信息,并按照特定的P2P应用需求来重新安排拓扑,本协议非常的高效和鲁棒,能够处理节点持续的加入和离开系统的流,且即使现存的所有SP移除也能修复。-In this code,we propose a novel approach to construct and maintain the topology. This approach is based on gossip protocol,
- p2p经典组网协议Gossip。此协议为基本p2p网络络协议之一,可帮助组建p2p网络,已通过测试。 -The p2p Classic Networking agreement Gossip. This agreement as the the basic p2p network one of the network protocol, to help set up a p2p network, has been tested.
- Internet的蓬勃发展,使新闻传播方式发生了巨大的变化,传统的信息传播媒体电视、管波、报纸已经不再是人们茶余饭后的主要精神甜点,人们开始更多的关注网络新闻。由于互联网所容纳的信息量大,内容丰富,信息及时、准确,更有相关信息的全面介绍与比较,大大地方便了人们的阅读,因此在短短几年里,互联网便跻身于众多媒体之间,并具有相当一部分媒体人群。借此东风,新闻网也迅速发展起来,它内容丰富,涉及商业、工业、农业、银行、财政、教育、娱乐和信息等各个产业,信息量大,不仅有时事新闻,还有相关的行业信息,同时新闻
- p2p经典组网协议Gossip,此协议为基本p2p网络协议之一,可帮助组建p2p网络-Gossip classic p2p network agreement, this agreement as the basic one of p2p network protocol, helps to form a p2p network
Gossip spread in social network Models
- 网络谣言传播模型等。八卦几乎不可避免地出现在真实的社交网络中。在这篇文章中我们调查 一个人的朋友数量之间的关系和对八卦有多远的限制 该人可以在网络中传播。(Gossip almost inevitably arises in real social networks. In this article we investigate the relationship between the number of friends of a person .)
Wireless Data Logging for Oil Drilling
- The energy consumption rate for sensors in a wireless sensor network varies greatly based on the protocols the sensors use for communications. The Gossip-Based Sleep Protocol (GSP) implements routing and some MAC functions in an energy conserving man