- //given a grid cell, returns the set of triangles that approximates the region where val == 0. int Polygonise(GRIDCELL &Grid, MeshFace *Triangles, int &NewVertexCount, Vec3 *Vertices)
- 很好用的网格控件,支持单元格编辑,我在多个工程中都在使用.,A good grid control used to support cell editing, I am in a number of projects are in use.
- 可以设置单元格颜色的网格控件,继承于ListCtrl,也是挺独特的一类控件。-You can set the color of the grid cell control, inherited from ListCtrl, is also a class of control is quite unique.
- The 2D CFD Program NaSt2D The program is a 2D solver for the incompressible, transient Navier-Stokes equations including the temperature equation and free boundary problems. It uses finite differences for discretization on a structured equidist
- 用c语言演绎“生命游戏” 本世纪70年代,人们曾疯魔一种被称作“生命游戏”的小游戏,这种游戏相当简单。假设有一个像棋盘一样的方格网,每个方格中放置一个 生命细胞,生命细胞只有两种状态:“生”或“死”。-Using c language interpretation " life game" 70s of this century, people had a tremendous influence known as the " life game&qu
- Data grid allow user to insert new data and the cell will blink when new data is entered. -Data grid allow user to insert new data and the cell will blink when new data is entered.
- 一个VB写的Grid控件源码,功能超强大。可以在单元格中添加图片、复选框、下拉列表、按钮等控件,可以进行单元格内容格式化、合并单元格、锁定单元格等,运行界面见图片,详细使用请运行压缩包中的例子。这是本人从国外网站上找的一个很牛的控件,值得收藏和研究,请保留原作者的相关信息。 -A Grid control written in VB source code, function superpower. Cells can be added to images, check box, drop-do
- c# grid view cell merging
- 电磁波Yee Cell FDTD交错网格场量位置示意图 画图程序 TE 波TM波 TEM波都有-Yee Cell FDTD electromagnetic field quantity staggered grid position diagram drawing program TE, TM waves are TEM wave
- 对构件进行优化分析时,需要将其剖分成四面体网格单元,本源码可以用来求每一个小四面体的刚度矩阵-Optimization analysis of the components need to be partitioned into tetrahedral grid cell, the source can be used to seek the stiffness matrix of each small tetrahedron
- The files in this directory will be replaced by new versions some time in the future. Check this file for information on latest update. The following files are presently included: GRID.F This file contains a code for generating 3D Cartesi
- 分析当前一些主流网格模拟器(8种),并对它们进行对比和分类,可以为网格系统研究 人员和网格模拟器设计者提供方便。 -Analysis of the current number of primary drift cell simulator (8), and comparing and classifying them, the grid system for researchers and designers to provide convenient grid simulator.
- 实现燃料电池并网发电系统仿真,包括燃料电池模型和并网逆变器模型于一体。看到很多朋友需要燃料电池并网发电系统仿真的程序,然而出于技术竞争等原因,大家都不愿意共享,这里给出一个个人利用PSCAD/EMTDC搭建的燃料电池并网发电系统,包括了燃料电池部分和并网逆变器的部分的详细模型,比较符合电力电子仿真的真实性。由于发表的目的在于共享,可能做得不好,让行家见笑了,希望对有需要的朋友有所启发。-This a PSCAD file which can simulate a typical fuel cel
- Occupancy Grid Mapping: using bayesian rules to update the grid probability of occupancy for only static coordinate (the probability describe the cell is occupied or not or unknown)
- 用PSCAD软件编写的燃料电池发电模型,包括逆变器-Fuel cell power generation model
- 将一个在Delphi中使用的DBGrid控件的网格单元格改变背景颜色,在需要显示复合数据或大量数据的时候,可让用户快速找到数据-Allows users to quickly find the data will be used in Delphi DBGrid control grid cell to change the background color composite data or a large amount of data needs to be displayed when
- Delphi写的改变DBGrid控件网格单格的背景颜色源码,在有大量数据的情况下,可以使用户一目了然的找到想要的数据位置。-Written in Delphi to change the background color of the source code of the the DBGrid control grid single cell, in the case of large amounts of data, allows users to find the desired data
- Accessibility ARIA Grid Cell for Linux.
- NASA的CFD计算流体力学软件,功能强大,用途广,可用于科研和实际工程计算。 源代码,已开源,可用于科研(CFL3D is a structured-grid, cell-centered, upwind-biased, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) code. It can be run in parallel on multiple grid zones with point-matched, patched, overset, or em
- 将三维点云投影到二维,进行动态物体检测与跟踪,适合无人车应用,值得学习(transform point cloud to grid map)