- 目前该手写体识别系统主要分为 预处理模块: 主要包括训练数据和识别数据的读取,归一化,二值化 特征提取模块:主要包括笔划方向特征和网格密度特征,还可以根据对识别率的要求继续增加其他特征 识别(分类器)模块:主要包括SVM方法和BP神经网络的方法,其中SVM方法的识别率较高,SVM+网格密度特征, 在小字符集情况下,达到了识别率97%以上 采用OO思想编写,适合做二次开发-currently the handwriting recognition system consists of pretre
- 本篇是关于OFF文件的简单操作,将OFF文件中的三维网格数据读入到内存中,以便对其进行相应的操作,如特征提取,分割等等。-This is a simple document OFF operation, OFF document to the three-dimensional grid data to be read into memory, corresponding to its operation, such as feature extraction, Segmentation and
- We propose an algorithm for facial expression recognition which can classify the given image into one of the seven basic facial expression categories (happiness, sadness, fear, surprise, anger, disgust and neutral). PCA is used for dimensionality red
- 此程序用于识别手写数字,主要是采用基于特征的方法,用一个5×5的栅格将数字分成25分,每份为一个特征,共有25个特征,然后进行特征匹配,识别出数字。-This procedure used to identify handwritten digits, mainly based on the characteristics of the method, using a 5 × 5 grid will be divided into 25 sub-figures, each as a featur
- This a comprehensive example demonstrating various modes of the Grid Control: * Basic Grid * Report Control * Virtual List and other Grid Control-related features: * various cell types * custom grid colors with different col
- Feature selection methods for machine learning algorithms such as SVR, including one filter-based method (CFS) and two wrapper-based methods (GA and PSO). The gridsearch is for the grid search for the optimal hyperparemeters of SVR. The SVM_CV is for
- 点格棋框架开发后续版本功能建议计算胜负,按照规则以文件形式输入输出,人工智能等 -Point grid chess framework for the development of subsequent versions feature proposed to calculate the outcome of the input and output, artificial intelligence, in accordance with the rules in a documentary
- jqGrid包说明: • jquery.js is the jQuery library, • jquery.jqGrid.js 主单元,包含的功能取决您的选择 grid.basic.js 主插件,其他插件包依赖于该插件正常运行 • grid.custom.js Grid高级插件功能包 • grid.formedit.js 用于表格编辑、增加、删除功能 • grid.inlinedit.js 线条编辑 ̶
- Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) are feature descr iptors used in computer vision and image processing for the purpose of object detection. The technique counts occurrences of gradient orientation in localized portions of an image. This method i
- 是一个实用的五格图片轮流播放,用于图片显示及广告功能 漂亮的flash+xml图点焦点切换特效代码-Is a practical five grid picture turns playing for the focus of the picture shows and ads feature beautiful flash+xml Pictures switching effects code
- 编程序模拟“地雷游戏”的布雷和标注地雷功能,其具体要求为:在9×9的方格中,随机布上10颗“地雷”(要求显示时地雷用*号表示);然后在有相邻“地雷”的无雷方格中标注出相邻地雷的个数;最后输出标注后的结果(雷区)。程序实现的要求如下: 布雷功能、标注地雷功能和输出雷区功能均使用独立的函数完成; 布雷功能使用随机函数实现;-Programmed to simulate " mine game" Bray and functional annotation of mines,
- Delphi:这是一个比较有用的功能示例,让Delphi实现StringGrid数据网格自动移动光标及增加行,当我们输入的时候,我们都希望表格能“智能”一些,某个单元格的数据输入完的时候,希望它能自动切换到下一个目标行,通过本例代码,你将了解如何实现这一功能,并可增加StringGrid行数。 -Delphi: This is a useful feature example, let Delphi to achieve StringGrid data grid automatically
- Delphi:Delpi在TStringGrid上回车移动焦点,在TStringGrid的各个网格中移动当前焦点,看似不起眼的功能,但是需要添加上才行呢?如何添加这个功能呢?那就下载源码好好研究一下这个源码吧。 -Delphi: Delpi Enter TStringGrid move the focus on moving the current focus in each grid TStringGrid, the seemingly insignificant feature, but
- 人脸识别特指利用分析比较人脸视觉特征信息进行身份鉴别的计算机技术。人脸识别是一项热门的计算机技术研究领域,在生活中许多领域都有着重要应用。 这里通过对人脸图像打上网格,对区域块图像做二值分析,通过像素比例来做处理。进而得到人脸区域。-Especially the use of face recognition visual analysis and comparison of facial feature information to identify the identity of the
- 该程序能够进行特征提取,主要提取图像的粗网格特征和连通域特征用来做文字识别-The program can extract features, characteristics and coarse grid connected domain image feature extraction is mainly used for text recognition
- Genesis64 报警控件脚本的使用,很少的资料,看到了就不要错过,对需要的朋友-The first control we will work with is the AlarmWorX64 Viewer. We will use its API to perform the following tasks: · Create a new tab with an alarm grid · Toggle the Grouping feature · Acknowledge al
- 本功能实现相关的算法三维网格的相关问题 运行效果非常好。-This feature to achieve the relevant algorithm of three-dimensional grid related issues the operation effect is very good.
- 在基于特征匹配的字符识别中,网格特征提取的代码-In character recognition based on feature matching, the grid feature extraction of the code
- 特征提取是手写体汉字识别的关键,目前四方向网格特征已被实验证实是一种较好的手写体汉字特征。 针对通常的纵横弹性网格对汉字“撇、捺”笔画特征提取的不足.提出一种新的网格构造技术——对角弹性网格,它由45度和135度的对角直线构成,将汉字图像划分为多个菱形,能够很好地适应汉字在“撇、捺”方向的变化。将这两种网格单独,以及相互组合成双网格等情况分别进行手写体识别实验,实验结果验证了对角弹性网格的有效性和双弹性网格的高识别率性。 -Feature extraction is the key to
- 摄影测量点云,三维激光点云进行点云特征图像提取进行格网化代码(Photogrammetric point cloud, 3D laser point cloud, point cloud feature image extraction for grid code)