- The fastest Nokia H.264 decoder and fixed bug. Using method is same as xvid mpeg4,support ARGB MMX output, support VC6.0, VC2008 and Wince. You also can install Intel C++ compiler 10.1 or 11.0 with VC2008, set command line option /QxP or SSE3 in "En
- The fastest Nokia H.264 decoder and fixed bug. Using method is same as xvid mpeg4,support ARGB MMX output, support VC6.0, VC2008 and Wince. You also can install Intel C++ compiler 10.1 or 11.0 with VC2008, set command line option /QxP or SSE3 in "Ena
- The fastest Nokia H.264 decoder and fixed bug. Using method is same as xvid mpeg4,support ARGB MMX output, support VC6.0, VC2008 and Wince. You also can install Intel C++ compiler 10.1 or 11.0 with VC2008, set command line option /QxP or SSE3 in "Ena
Ffmpeg H264 Decoder Lib
- 本解码库以ffmpeg为参考模型,针对不同档次的H.264码流进行了修正,解码核心部分进行了相应的MMX优化。 整个解码过程分3个步骤进行,只需要按顺序调用头文件里描述的初始化、处理、释放这三个函数即可。 解码得到的图像数据为YUV,该工程将YUV转换为RGB,直接显示,省去了解码后,还需要借助YUVViewer等工具打开YUV文件的步骤,更加的方便快捷。 支持各个档次的H.264码流解码,将H.264码流放在H264Test目录下即可。 编译平台:VC6.0,VC200