- This a case for recognition of hand gestures using the 7 Hu moments and neural network classifiers-This is a case for recognition of hand gestures using the 7 Hu moments and neural network classifiers
- 本程序基于 BP 神经网络完成了对用户使用鼠标输入的特定手势的识别,并且可以学习 用户创建的新手势。程序中已经存储的手势是 Palm 系列掌上电脑中手写识别专用的 Graffiti 字体的数字 0~9,这种字体的特点是每个字由一个连续笔划构成,适合用一个连贯的鼠标手势表示: -This procedure based on BP neural network was completed using the mouse to the user input of a specific ges
- 提出丁一种在距离空间内采用Euclidean距离计算的手势识别算法。手势图像经过连缘检羽后,时边缘图像卖施Euclidean 距离变换(ElYr)。在距离变换空间^计算距离映射图与样本之间的Euclidean距离。罩后,时基于单目税觉的30十手 指语牟母手势进行识刺.最好识剐率达93.33%。-Abstract:A Hand C,estme re曲印id叩aI孚嘶tll皿is presented, which based ofl Euclidean distance, computed
- 手势是一种自然而直观的人际交流模式. 基于视觉的手势识别是实现新一代人机交互所不可缺少的一 项关键技术. 然而,由于手势本身具有的多样性、多义性、以及时间和空间上的差异性等特点,加之人手是复杂变形体 及视觉本身的不适定性,因此基于视觉的手势识别是一个极富挑战性的多学科交叉研究课题. 本文从手势建模、手势 分析和手势识别等三个方面综述了基于视觉手势识别的研究现状及其应用.- Hand gestures play a natural and intuitive communicatio
- 该控制器通过戴在手上的加速度传感器来感应用户的手势姿态,并配合按键组及相关控制算法的使用,可以实现鼠标、滚轮、摇杆这三种常见计算机外设的功能,可以为用户提供一种全新的交互式体验。-The controller worn on the hand by the acceleration sensor to sense the user s gestures posture, and with key groups and the associated control algorithms used,
- Hand Gesture Recognition NOTES: 1) For the details of the algorithm investigate the following images: -AlgorithmOverall.jpg -MKRoDAlgorithm.jpg 2) The prototype is implemented on MATLAB 7.0 and revised in MATLAB 7.10.0 3) The backgroun
- 手势皮肤模型提取,手势分割,提取已修改过,能运行-Gestures skin model to extract the gesture segmentation, extraction has been modified to run
- 采用OpenCv写的手势提取代码,采用肤色原理,可准确的检测提取手部。-Gestures OpenCv write extraction code, the color principle, can accurately detect the extraction of hand.
- 滑动手势 通过手触摸的方式实现滚动,给不懂滑动手势的朋友提供帮助-The sliding gestures by hand touch scroll
- Image processing programme for Hand gestures
- 本算法实现了基于手部颜色和手形的静态手势的检测和识别,特色有两点:(1)排除了面部区域后进行肤色检测(2)在手部候选区域分别提取轮廓,并求出Hu不变矩,将其与模板进行比较,排除类手形区域,进一步识别是何种手势-hand gestures detection and recognition based on skin colors and hand shapes
- An Algorithm for defining hand gestures
- 通过在线PCA来识别手势,并能对新增手势做一定的增量,很好的实现了增量学习。算法具有效率高,识别率好,速度快等特点,同样适合其他模式识别方面的应用。-The learning method for hand gesture recognition system based on vision is commonly off-line,which results in repeated off-line learning when new hand gestures come. Its real-
- hand gestures for emotion based music recognition
- 手势识别,能通过电脑摄像头读取画面,并对读取的人物的手势进行识别-Gesture recognition, a camera can through the computer to read the image, and to read the character s hand gestures recognition
- 用Kinect模拟鼠标操作玩切水果游戏的C#源代码,人可以通过用手做切的手势就可以像鼠标一样玩水果忍者。-Using Kinect to simulate mouse play cut fruit game C# source code, people can through the use of hand gestures can do like a mouse to play fruit ninja.
- this a matlab code used to control the mouse operation with the help of hand gestures and colour tag fixed on the fingers-this is a matlab code used to control the mouse operation with the help of hand gestures and colour tag fixed on the fingers
- Through this method, the user can control or navigate the robot by using gestures of his/her fingers, thereby interacting with the robotic system. The command signals are generated these gestures using image processing. These signals are then passed
- TeeChart控件,很好的三维显示动画-Contrasting various methods of performing hand gestures. The single segment motion provides ease of use whereas no skin contact prevent skin injuries prolonged use of the interface. The touchless aspect of the interface provides
Based on openCV hand mototing
- 可以识别手势操作,基于VS2010平台下的OPENCV(Gestures can be recognized, based on the OPENCV under the VS2010 platform.)