- Coriander is a GUI for controlling a Digital Camera (in the sense of the IIDC specs issued by the 1394 Trade Association [1]). Due to the properties of the IEEE1394 protocol, Coriander can control an IEEE1394 camera without interferring with th
- 用C#读取图片的EXIF信息的方法 EXIF,是英文Exchangeable Image File(可交换图像文件)的缩写,最初由日本电子工业发展协会(JEIDA --Japan Electronic Industry Development Association) 制订,目前的版本是修改发表于1998年6月的2.1版-read the EXIF picture of EXIF information, English Exchangeable Image File (Exchang
- a sample WDM stream class video capture driver that supports two IEEE 1394 digital cameras. The same driver may be able to support other digital cameras that conform to 1394-based Digital Camera Specification from 1394 Trade Association. Digit
- 关 联 规则算法在医学图象知识发现中的应用-Association rules algorithm in medical image knowledge discovery application
- 提出一种新的目标表示和定位方法,该方法是非刚体跟踪的核心技术.利用均质空间掩膜规范基于特征直方图的目标表示,该掩膜引入了适合于梯度优化的空间平滑相似函数,所以可以将目标定位问题转换为局部极大值求解问题.我们利用从Bhattacharyya系数倒出的规则作为相似度量,利用mean shift procedure完成优化求解.在给出的测试用例中, 本文方法成功解决了相机移动,阴影,以及其他的图象噪声干扰.文章对运动滤波和数据关联技术的集成也进行了讨论.-A new objective and pos
- dicom协议中文版 DICOM即数字影像和通信标准。在医学影像信息学的发展和PACS的研究过程中,由于医疗设备生产厂商的不同,造成与各种设备有关的医学图像存储格式、传输方式千差万别,使得医学影像及其相关信息在不同系统、不同应用之间的交换受到严重阻碍。为此,美国放射学会(ACR)和全美电子厂商联合会(NEMA)认识到急需建立一种标准,以规范医学影像及其相关信息的交换, DICOM(DigitalImaging and Communications in Medicine)标准就是在这
- DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine. The DICOM standard addresses the basic connectivity between different imaging devices, and also the workflow in a medical imaging department. The DICOM standard was created by the Nation
- DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine. The DICOM standard addresses the basic connectivity between different imaging devices, and also the workflow in a medical imaging department. The DICOM standard was created by the Nation
- DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine. The DICOM standard addresses the basic connectivity between different imaging devices, and also the workflow in a medical imaging department. The DICOM standard was created by the Nation
- 20世纪末,随着计算机科学的发展,数据库技术在Internet中的应用越来越广泛,为广大网络用户提供了更加周到和人性化的服务。个性化已逐渐成为当今Web应用的潮流。本文研究了一种基于数据关联规则的flash动漫欣赏站,此方案与现今网上已采用的一些方案相比,具有用户使用更简单、界面更直观等优点。Flash动漫在我国刚起步,但发展很快。随着我国互联网的更加普及和动漫技术的更趋成熟,会有越来越多的群体,对flash动漫的需求。flash动漫以其清晰的图像处理技术、更加大众化的制作方法。在商业方面也是一
- We present a methodology for tracking multiple skin-colored objects in a monocular image sequence. The proposed approach encompasses a collection of techniques that allow the modeling, detection and temporal association of skin- colored objects
- In this paper we propose a watermarking system that uses the biorthogonal discrete wavelet transform, DWT and the message is encoded before embedding. The proposed watermarking method is very simple, implying four steps: turbo coding of
- 目前主题回归多模式潜在狄利克雷分配(tr-mmLDA),一个新颖的统计主题模型的图像和视频注释的任务。 在我们的新注释模型的核心是一种新颖的潜变量回归方法来捕获图像或视频特征和注释文本之间的相关性。 我们的方法不是在两个数据模态之间共享一组潜在主题,如在对应关系LDA的公式中,我们的方法引入了回归模块来关联两组主题,其捕获更一般的关联形式,并允许主题的数量 2个数据模态不同。 我们证明tr-mmLDA对2个标准注释数据集的功率:一个5000图像子集的COREL和一个2687图像的LabelMe数
- 姿态估计 该文章出自2017年的CVPR,Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Field(We present an approach to efficiently detect the 2D pose of multiple people in an image. The approach uses a non- parametric representation, which we refer to