- he power method will be applied to the jacobian matrix of the 2-D henon map to approximate the first Lyapunov exponent by creating a graph of ln|yn| vs. n, where n is the number of iterations of the power method and yn = 1/n*ln|DG^n(xo)*yo|. Th
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- DACE- A MATLAB Kriging Toolbox Version 2.0, August 1, 2002. (Sø ren N. Lophaven, Hans Bruun Nielsen, Jacob Sø ndergaard) - The software package DACE (Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments), which is a Matlab toolbox for working wi
- DACE- A MATLAB Kriging Toolbox Version 2.0, August 1, 2002. (Sø ren N. Lophaven, Hans Bruun Nielsen, Jacob Sø ndergaard) - The software package DACE (Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments), which is a Matlab toolbox for working with
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