- This is used to show a developer how to use and build Client / Server app s by using Sockets. This is very basic, and doesn t go over using UDP. -This is used to show a developer how to use and build Client/Server app s by using Sockets. This is very
- This is the Gemini game A health bar is displayed on top right side of the screen which will indicate your health condition. Hitting other cars causes health reduce. You can increase it by driving over the health symbol (+) on the road. There is a sp
- 内存管理是C++最令人切齿痛恨的问题,也是C++最有争议的问题,C++高手从中获得了更好的性能,更大的自由,C++菜鸟的收获则是一遍一遍的检查代码和对C++的痛恨,但内存管理在C++中无处不在,内存泄漏几乎在每个C++程序中都会发生,因此要想成为C++高手,内存管理一关是必须要过的,除非放弃C++,转到Java或者.NET,他们的内存管理基本是自动的,当然你也放弃了自由和对内存的支配权,还放弃了C++超绝的性能。本期专题将从内存管理、内存泄漏、内存回收这三个方面来探讨C++内存管理问题-Memo
- 自我java编程复习,随时更新。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。(Self Java programming review, update at any time)