- MAC风格的jsp留言板 1) 可自定标题栏 2) 可自定管理员 3) 可自定网站首页网址 4) 在线发布修改站长公告 5) 站长回复功能 6) 站长编辑留言功能 7) 关闭浏览器自动退出管理状态 在使用本系统过程中,如果发现错误,BUG以及对本系统有什么建议,批评,请发MAIL:jorwoo@eyou.com。我的的QQ为:513768。也欢迎广大网友在学习和应用:JAVA,jsp过程中遇到问题与我一起探讨,大家一起进步。 QQ:513768 E-Mail:jorwoo@eyou.com 网站
- Wireless Java O Reilly - learning wml & wmlscr ipt O Reilly - learning xml O Reilly - Learning_Python O Reilly - Lingo in a Nutshell O Reilly - Mac OS X Pocket Reference O Reilly - Managing NFS and NIS, 2nd Edition O Reilly - Mastering Algorithms
- NIH_image 包括各种医学图像处理算法,是医学专业相关人员的非常有用的图像处理工具。缺点是源码用mac pascal语言所写,不能用于windows操作系统。其windows版本名称为imageJ,含Java源代码。已上传。-NIH_image including a variety of medical image processing algorithm, the medical profession is related to the very useful tool for ima
- 软件简介 IPMsg 是一款局域网内即时通信软件, 基于 TCP/IP(UDP). 可运行于多种操作平台(Win/Mac/UNIX/Java), 并实现跨平台信息交流.-software brief IPMsg A LAN is immediate communication software, Based on TCP / IP (UDP). can be run on a variety of operating platform (Win / Mac / UNIX / J
- IPMsg 是一款局域网内即时通信软件, 基于 TCP/IP(UDP). 可运行于多种操作平台(Win/Mac/UNIX/Java), 并实现跨平台信息交流.-IPMsg A LAN is immediate communication software, Based on TCP / IP (UDP). can be run on a variety of operating platform (Win / Mac / UNIX / Ja va), and to achieve cros
- - IP Messenger is a pop up style message communication software for multi platforms. It is based on TCP/IP(UDP). - This software don t need server machine. - Simple, lightweight, and free software :-) - Win, Win16, Mac(Japanese
- YOYOPlayer是一个用JAVA编写的,跨平台的音乐播放软件.是一个集播放,歌词显示于一体的音频播放软件.\n 由于JAVA的跨平台性,您可以在几乎任何平台下使用此软件,这样可以免去您每个平台装一种特定播放软件的烦恼.\n J-Wolf Studio的主要定位是Linux下的用户,因为Linux下几乎没有一款集成性高的音频播放软件,并且读取中文标签经常会出现乱码,由于J-Wolf Studio是国人开发的,所以对中文的支持绝对可以放心,并且可以自定义标签的读取和写入编码. 支持,aifc,a
- Wifi连接网络,通过程序你将了解到定义WifiManager对象,定义WifiInfo对象,获取网络连接列表,定义一个WifiLock,打开Wifi网卡,关闭Wifi网卡,检查当前Wifi网卡状态,扫描周边网络,每次点击扫描之前清空上一次的扫描结果,开始扫描,连接指定网络,断开当前连接的网络,检查当前网络状态,得到IP地址,锁定WifiLock,解锁WifiLock,指定配置好的网络进行连接,得到MAC地址,得到接入点的BSSID,得到WifiInfo的所有信息包, 添加一个网络并连接等相关技
- 局域网聊天,传文件工具,源码可编译 - IP Messenger is a pop up style message communication software for multi platforms. It is based on TCP/IP(UDP). - This software don t need server machine. - Simple, lightweight, and free software :-) - Win, Win
- It is a Java implementation of Monkey s Audio Compression decoder. JMAC is a Java library that decodes, converts and plays Monkey s Audio files (.MAC, .APL, .APE) in real time. JMAC doesn t need JMF. It runs under J2SE.
- 这是我所见过的最好看的网页窗口/对话框程序,它实现于标准的HTML页面,实现语言是Javascr ipt。你可以把它用到ASP.NET,AJAX,Java等等所有网页上,支持的功能有:可以改变窗口大小、支持最小化、最大化窗口、模型对话框、渐入渐出的渐变效果,支持皮肤等等功能。现有的实例包括:模仿MAC OS的对话框,在对话框中打开一个网页,警告框,确认对话框,信息对话框,登录对话框,AJAX对话框等等。-This is the best I have ever seen the page to
- 一个VB按钮控件,有非常多的风格,如:XP,JAVA,MAC等,还可以用来做工具条,非常漂亮-A VB button control, there are a lot of styles, such as: XP, JAVA, MAC, etc. can also be used as tool bar, very nice
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems have recently received a lot of attention in supply chain applications. One of the challenges facing RFID in this application domain is the fast identification of a large number of tags that are simul
- 在Java API提供的OS X应用程序中看到的小部件的集合。这些构件可以帮助Java开发人员创造更多的像Mac的应用程序。它们的用法不限制应用于Mac,可以跨平台。 -Mac Widgets for Java are a collection of widgets seen in OS X applications, offered in a Java API. These widgets help Java developers create more Mac-like applicat
- jEdit是一个用Java语言开发的文本编辑器,在GPL下发布。它可以在Windows、Linux、Mac OS等多种平台 下运行,并且有很多插件,可以扩充基本功能。它也支持80多种文件类型的文法加亮显示。支持包括UTF-8 在内的多种字符编码。 jEdit也有很方便的宏定义功能,可以用BeanShell、Jython和Javascr ipt等脚本语言。-jEdit is a Java language text editor, released under the
- Wifi连接网络,通过程序你将了解到定义WifiManager对象,定义WifiInfo对象,获取网络连接列表,定义一个WifiLock,打开Wifi网卡,关闭Wifi网卡,检查当前Wifi网卡状态,扫描周边网络,每次点击扫描之前清空上一次的扫描结果,开始扫描,连接指定网络,断开当前连接的网络,检查当前网络状态,得到IP地址,锁定WifiLock,解锁WifiLock,指定配置好的网络进行连接,得到MAC地址,得到接入点的BSSID,得到WifiInfo的所有信息包, 添加一个网络并连接等相关技
- Java 下的Arp包发送程序,可以自定义发送频率和发送次数,自定义Mac地址等-A java project to send arp pockets
- he eID Applet is a browser component to enable the use of the Belgian eID card within web applications in the most user friendly way possible today. The eID Applet runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms and supports a wide range of web browse
- he eID Applet is a browser component to enable the use of the Belgian eID card within web applications in the most user friendly way possible today. The eID Applet runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms and supports a wide range of web browse
- java is using more to the programming.Java is a high-level programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems and released in 1995. Java runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. This tutori