- 图像采集的一个软件 框架没有问题,调试时有一点小错误-Image Acquisition
- LabVIEW面向对象编程的参考程序框架 适用版本:2009以上-The G# Framework is a toolkit for NI LabVIEW software that adds reference-based object-oriented support. It combines the new data value reference structure in LabVIEW 2009 with native classes and adds full object-o
- 使用了Labview中程序设计模式“基本状态机”,完成了串口输入控制命令,继电器输出执行的功能。其中继电器控制的子VI是通过DLL调用实现的。使用者可以自行将其替换,只要使用这个控制框架即可。-Using Labview to program design model " basic state machine" , completed the serial input control commands, relay output functions performed. Whi
- 基于LABVIEW的通信系统设计2FSK,大体框架完成,细节处需要自己动手做-LABVIEW-based communication system design 2FSK, the general framework is completed, the details of the need to do it yourself
激光打标机 - 20160516labview
- 高手写的激光打标上位机程序,框架很值得学习!(Expert written laser marking host computer program, the framework is worth learning!)
6. LabVIEW编程:设计框架
- labview:常用编程框架介绍(文件资料)(LabVIEW: introduction to commonly used programming frameworks (file data))
- 测试内阻程序 操作者框架 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。(Internal resistance test program)
LabVIEW 面向对象设计
- 了解LabVIEW面向对象不错的资料。LabVIEW中内置了操作者框架,来作为实现面向对象的工具。(Understanding LabVIEW object oriented good information. The operator framework is built in LabVIEW as an object oriented tool.)
- 编写大型程序时,需要有良好的编程框架,好的编程框架易于扩展、维护,更健壮。(When you write large programs, you need to have a good programming framework, good programming framework is easy to expand, maintain, more robust.)
- 操作者框架本质上与队列驱动状态机(QDSM),用队列来传递消息,但是实现过程用面向对象的方式进行了封装。(Essentially, the operator framework and the queue driven state machine (QDSM) use the queue to deliver messages, but the implementation process is encapsulated in an object-oriented manner.)
- 和udp的通讯框架以及一些常用的注意细节。(The communication framework with UDP and some commonly used details.)
- 基恩士替代相机的一个框架,也是学习别人的,新手(One of the frames of Kean's replacement camera is also to learn from others, novice)
- 多线程框架 ,结构简单条理清晰比较适合初学者!(Can be suitable for most multithreading, for beginners easier to understand, fast star)
labview+sql server
- labview与sql server通信(Communication between LabVIEW and SQL Server)
Serial Communication 14
- 利用labview操作者框架写的模拟串口通信,非常不错。(The analog serial communication written by the labview operator framework is very good.)
- 利用操作者框架编写的程序,非常利于新手了解操作者框架(Programs written using the operator framework are very useful for novices to understand the operator framework)
- 多年使用的程序框架,使用成熟,经过多个项目测试(The program framework used for many years is mature)
- 界面解析以及labview通用软件架构分析和解剖(Interface analysis)
- 一个不错的自动化测试案例,可以查看编程框架和一些数据类型用法(A good automation test case)
SourceCode - 2.2.7
- 基于Labview编程语言的基础框架 包含多状态机执行,QDMH架构,集中错误处理,日志记录等功能 可以再次基础上开发可扩展的应用程序(Basic framework based on LabVIEW programming language Including multi state machine execution, qdmh architecture, centralized error handling, logging and other functions Extensible a