- 本文介绍的是关于java 图形编程.awt是一个很基本的JAVA编程库的介绍.和swing包是具有相同的功能.很实用.-This paper introduces the graphics on the java programming. AWT is a very basic Java programming library presentation. Pack and swing with the same functionality. Practical.
- JavaGPS is a Java-only base library that enables access to GPS devices from within any Java application. Provides Java API, NMEA0183 parser, record and playback GPS log files, convert between earth dates and Gauss Krueger, GPS management GUI with map
- A C++ Win32 GUI library for Java-AWT-like source code
- Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library (LwVCL) is a pure Java alternative to humble AWT-based GUI interfaces for wide ranges of platforms, including J2SE, PersonalJava and J2ME(coming soon). LwVCL can be used on Zaurus, iPAQ and other devices.
- JCONTROL集成了java.awt和javax.swing的java下GUI库,用于maltab下的界面设计。啊-JCONTROL integrated java.awt and javax.swing of java under the GUI library, for under maltab interface design. Ah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- SimpleSocket是一个C + +库使得Socket客户机/服务器编程更容易。该文库包含类Socket和ServerSocket。这些类可以使用同样的方式作为同一名称的Java类。它使使用C++流将数据发送到驶过。 SimpleSocket进行了测试,在两Windows98和Windows NT4的一个GUI Origin200和GNU Cygwin的环境(IRIX的6.5)。图书馆工作预计将在Linux或其它Unix系统,有少量的修改。 SimpleSocket利用了SimpleExce
- PDF分解和合并软件,是用于对PDF文件进行分解和合并,图形用户界面提供了选择文件和设置选项等功能-PDF Split and Merge is an easy to use tool to merge and split pdf documents. Console and GUI versions are available. The GUI is written in Java Swing and it provides functions to select files and set
- 一个java库,用来编程实现游戏交换式的人机接口-Nifty GUI is a Java Library that supports the building of interactive user interfaces for games or similar applications.
- Neuroph是轻量级的Java神经网络的框架,可以用来模拟常见的神经网络架构。少数基本类别相对应的基本网络的概念,它非常容易学习。它也有一个不错的GUI应用程序。 -Neuroph simplifies the development of neural networks by providing Java neural network library and GUI tool that supports creating, training and saving neural netwo
- java类文件的反编译程序,可以方便查看java类库中的类文件。-decompile java class files, you can easily view the java class library file.
- 164个JAVA小程序源代码,包括了applet小程序,classes类库实例,graphics图形操作,print打印输出,security安全处理,servlet,sql,thread线程,xml操作,gui等小程序源码,相信这些对学习Java是十分有用的-164 JAVA applet source code, including a small applet procedures, classes library examples, graphics graphics operation
- Source code for working Library management system, complete code with awesome GUI written completely in java, suitable for college projects
- 一个关于JAVA图形界面的GIZMOBALL的一个依赖库,其中包含各种可以调用的图形类和算法-About JAVA GUI GIZMOBALL a dependent library, which contains a variety of graphics classes and algorithms that can be invoked
- 实现了图书馆借书的数据库管理,并在最后利用java的GUI功能将整个管理过程都集成在一个图形界面中-We realized the books the library management, and finally the use of java GUI functionality to manage the entire process are integrated in a graphical interface
- Simple library manegment system project developed in java swing GUI
- 超好用的工资管理系统诶,大家试试吧`挺有用的。(It's very useful to try the library management system that is very good.)
- JNetCAD is a simple Java GUI for importing and exporting several CAD formats. Each im- and export module exists as JAR library and can be used separately in other projects. JNetCAD uses jRealiy for the visualization. Hence it provides a software rend