- 这是我在一个项目中实现的gprs拨号脚本建立连接,在PC机的Redhat linux 9和arm7+uClinux下都实现了,大家感兴趣的话可以给我发邮件 wenzg008@163.com -This is a project I realize the scr ipt GPRS dial-up to connect the PC Redhat linux 9 and ARM7 under uClinux achieved, we can then interested in me by mai
- Linux下C实现的ftp客户端代码,实现常用10余种功能;tftp客户端代码,实现下载功能。有BUG更改或者好的建议请通知我,衷心感谢你对我的帮助!-C under Linux achieved ftp client code to achieve more than 10 types of commonly used functions tftp client code, to achieve download function. BUG change or have good sugge
- 移植Linux2.6.24到2440的详细文档。 遇到问题可以与我联系qq523876920.-port Linux 2.6.24 to S3C2440. if you have problems contact me qq523876920.
- 这是ffmpeg方面的源代码,如有需要有什么修改情告诉我.-This is source code about ffmpeg, if necessary, tell me what the situation changes.
- 资源中包含了Linux进程间通信的例子,同时有源文件和可执行文件。 源码主要包含了Linux下IPC机制的本地进程通信方式,包含了IPC共享内存,IPC信号量,IPC消息队列的实现,以及Linux下判断进程退出原因的示例程序。因为是做毕设学习时的练习程序,因此程序有详细的注释。(注意,每种通信方式需要在同时两个终端中查看验证,才可以看出效果,注意查看源码注释)-the source code included in the copressed package shows how IPC wo
- 有人也许和我一样比较心急,想尽快知道如何去写一个具体的驱动程序,这里,假设您对驱动程序已经有比较好的了解,告诉大家一个快速上路的方法-Some may like me more anxious, wants to know how to write a specific driver, here, on the assumption that your driver has a better understanding, tell you a quick way of the road
- mkdosfs - Make DOS file system utilty. I wrote this, partially to complement the dosfsck utility written by Werner Almesberger (who graciously gave me some pointers when I asked for some advice about writing this code), and also to avoid
- securité du systéme d exploitation linux : Introduction La sécurité physique La sécurisation du processus d’amorç age Le BIOS Les principes fondamentaux relatifs au système et à l’utilisateur La sécurité du réseau TCP/IP La sécur
- this code for simple touch screen controlled by ad7843 made by me tested in protues7.5 and works perfectly. have fun
- 几个linux的驱动程序,包括button, led, usb ,lcd, mouse,sd卡等,希望对学习linux的朋友有帮助。-offer some linux drivers, can email me to discuss if necessary.
- 送给和我一样linux的初学者们,希望能对你们有所帮助。-Sent linux beginner like me who want to be helpful to you.
- LINUX的文件合併比較工作,和WINDOWS下winmerge差不多好用-LINUX file consolidated comparative work, and less easy to use WINDOWS next winmerge
- Linux例子源代码,是老师给我的,对做设计绝对有帮助-Linux example source code, a teacher to me, to do the design can definitely help
- LINUX编程,通过IP获取其它网卡的MAC地址。与大家共享,有不对地方,请相告之: 490937629@qq.com-LINUX programming through IP access to other network card MAC address. And share, have not local, please let me know of: 490937629@qq.com
- C语言 B.A.T.M.A.N.无线Mesh网络路由协议源码.供小型嵌入式Linux系统加载-demo of B.A.T.M.A.N. routing protocol for Wireless Mesh Networking
- linux内核wm8994模块驱动代码,有不对的地方请见谅-wm8994 module linux kernel driver code, there is something wrong place, please forgive me
- Alien can use special diff files to help make alien packages conform to debian policy. This only used when you are converting to deb format. This document briefly explains how to make them. It assumes you are familiar with working with debian s
- Linux_UP 是一个很好的如本教程,好的话可以告诉我。-Linux_UP,OK,if it s good book,please tell me .
- 这个是关于linux的按键驱动,资料真的很不错,我都运行通过的,有需要的可以联系我。我还有一些驱动-This is a key driver on linux , the data is really good, I run through , you can contact me . I still have some drive
- 由于公司临时让将Oracle的数据移植到mysql上面,所以让我在公司服务器上面安装一下mysql(Because the company has temporarily ported Oracle data to MySQL, let me install MySQL on the company server)