- 是VC+SQL server模式的,主要设及以下内容: 1、窗口如何分割; 2、多视图之间如何通信; 3、列表视图的操作及事件处理; 4、树形控件的操作及事件处理,利用递归根据数据库动态生成目录; 5、实现主从表的显示; -VC is SQL server model, and mainly the following : a window on how segmentation; 2. Multi-view of how communication; 3, the L
- The accompanying code is an implementation of a tree view, combined with a list view, for the Windows API. The view is compatible to the tree control of the common controls. It allows the user to set colors, text, and icons for each item separately.
- LsFileExplorer28.pas(ver 2.80)包含三个部分: (1)TLsDirTree21:简单但功能完全的目录树视图控件(包含基本文件列表视图).它支持在目录中创建、删除和重命名操作. (2)TLsDirTreeCombo28:树视图专用的ComboBox. (3)TLsFileListView28:具有快捷菜单的文件列表视图控件封装了如打开、查看、剪切、复制、粘贴、删除、发送到、重命名等文件管理操作. -LsFileExplorer28.pas (ver 2.80) cont
- 网上找的非常基础的文章,测试发现当Single Expand property和Always Show Selection属性同时设置为TRUE时,Always Show Selection会失效,不知道这样的认识对不对?- MFC Tree controls are one of the useful controls to show a hierarchical view of items. They can show the folders list, any parent- child
- 列表视图控件和树形视图控件的使用实例源码-List view control and tree view control the use of source code examples
- 一个网络抓包工具,支持三种协议(TCP,UDP和ICMP)的数据包抓取,使用winsock API编写,可以很方便的扩展自己的程序。可以把每种抓取的协议数据保存到日志记录文件中。抓包速度比较快,以树形列表给与分析,可以查看原始数据包。该程序需要在Windows XP/2000/NT操作系统上,并且有管理员权限。 -A network capture tool, supports three protocols (TCP, UDP and ICMP) packet capture, use the
- A few months ago, I was asked to develop a combo box that contains a tree view inside it. Initially, I used a normal tree view control, but I soon realized that I was short of space on some of the win forms. Now, in another project, I needed to use a
- 添加列表视图和树视图,并添加适当的控件来实现本地计算机资源管理器-Add a list view and tree view, resource manager
- Simple Browse是一款简洁易用,源码公开的图片浏览器。它短小精悍,浏览快速,生成的缩图精美漂亮,能浏览常见的多种图像格式。 它是仿照ACDSee而做的,样子和使用方法都挺象。但是有一点不同:在ACDSee里,浏览到缩图后,想看大图,要用View命令切换到另一个界面,有时候,这种做法不够方便;而Simple Browse的做法是,目录树、缩图文件列表和大图观看窗口,全放在一个界面中,省去切换的麻烦。 使用 Simple Browse的使用方法和ACDSee
- 该源代码实现了滚动视图,HTML视图及其他试图类型.-scroll view, HTML view and other type of view such as list view and tree view
- Microsoft visual C++ 6.0, tree view & list control demo program-Microsoft visual C++ 6.0, tree view & list control demo program
- 列表框与组合框编程实例 树形控件编程实例 列表视图与扩展组合框编程实例 进度条与动画控件编程实例 -List box and combo box examples programming examples of tree list view control programming combo box with the expansion of programming and animation examples of the progress bar control programming ex
- RSS feeds are XML formatted documents used to present digital content. RSS typically list items, such as articles or blogs posts. Here s how to create a simple RSS feed reader by transforming the XML into a tree view. Learn how to attach data to a tr
- 该样例演示了拆分视图界面的实现方法,在一个界面上同时显示列表视图,树形视图,FORM视图,普通绘图视图等,并且可以灵活地通过鼠标拖拉而改变视图大小.-This sample demonstrates the split view interface implementation method, the interface also shows in a list view, tree view, FORM view, such general views of the drawing, and
- 该样例演示了拆分视图界面的实现方法,在一个界面上同时显示列表视图,树形视图,FORM视图,普通绘图视图等,并且可以灵活地通过鼠标拖拉而改变视图大小.-This sample demonstrates the split view interface implementation method, the interface also shows in a list view, tree view, FORM view, such general views of the drawing, and
- MFC的文件检索与TREE控件搭配写的一个demo。可列出你设定目录下的所有文件,以tree控件形式查看-MFC' s document retrieval and written with a TREE control demo. You set the directory to list all files in the form of tree view control
- 实现列表视图,树形视图,轨道条,进度条以及旋转按钮和组合框和编辑框的显示与简单应用。-Achieve a list view, tree view, track bar, progress bar and rotating buttons and combo boxes and edit boxes display and simple application.
- Win32新控件的创建,列表视图、树形视图、进度条、旋转按钮和滑尺控件-Win32 creation of new controls, list view, tree view, progress bars, buttons and slider controls rotation
- 新型Win32控件,测试Win32控件,列表视图、树形视图、进度条、旋转按钮和滑尺控件-New Win32 controls, testing Win32 control, list view, tree view, progress bars, buttons and slider controls rotation
- 基于win32的列表视图、树形视图、进度条、旋转按钮和滑尺控件的测试-Based on win32 list view, tree view, progress bars, buttons and slider controls rotation of the test