- Socket 编程让你沮丧吗?从man pages中很难得到有用的信息吗?你想跟上时代去编Internet相关的程序,但是为你在调用 connect() 前的bind() 的结构而不知所措?等等… 好在我已经将这些事完成了,我将和所有人共享我的知识了。如果你了解 C 语言并想穿过网络编程的沼泽,那么你来对地方了。 -Socket Programming let you frustrated? From the man pages, it is very difficult to get
- · Develop clear, readable, well-documented and well-designed programs in the C Programming Language. · Develop software in the Unix/Linux using tools such as gcc, gdb, and make. · Locate and interpreting “man pages” applicable to applicatio
- [介绍 Socket 编程让你沮丧吗?从man pages中很难得到有用的信息吗?你想跟上时代去编Internet相关的程序,但是为你在调用 connect() 前的bind() 的结构而不知所措?等等… 好在我已经将这些事完成了,我将和所有人共享我的知识了。如果你了解 C 语言并想穿过网络编程的沼泽,那么你来对地方了。
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- C++ Man and Help pages Very useful for beginners
- 本手册页内容摘自GNU C编译器的完整文档,仅限于解释选项的含义. 除非有人自愿维护,否则本手册页不再更新.如果发现手册页和软件之间有所矛盾,请查对Info文件, Info文件是权威文档. 如果我们发觉本手册页的内容由于过时而导致明显的混乱和抱怨时,我们就停止发布它.不可能有其他选择,象更新Info文件同时更新man手册,因为其他维护GNU CC的工作没有留给我们时间做这个. GNU工程认为man手册是过时产物,应该把时间用到别的地方.-This manual page is an ex
- Doxygen是一个文档生成系统,可用于C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL (Corba and Microsoft flavors), Fortran, VHDL, PHP, C#, and to some extent D. 它能从一系列代码源文件中生成在线文档(HTML格式)和离线文档(Latex格式) 。也支持生成RTF (MS-Word), Postscr ipt, PDF, 压缩HTML(chm), and Unix man pages
- CVS 中文手册 chm格式 cvs命令详细介绍
- 将 man-pages-zh_CN-1.6.tar.gz 文件放在linux下某目录 #tar zxvf man-pages-zh_CN-1.5.tar.gz c#cd man-pages-zh_CN-1.5 #make u8 #make install-u8 安装之前,运行locale命令来查看自己的语言环境是什么,主要有影响的是LC_ALL,LC_CTYPE和LANG变量的值。命令如下: # locale LANG=zh_CN.UTF
- Harvest is a system to collect information and make them searchable using a web interface. Harvest can collect information on inter- and intranet using http, ftp, nntp as well as local files like data on harddisk, CDROM and files on file servers. Cur
- 本手册页内容摘自GNU C编译器的完整文档,仅限于解释选项的含义.除非有人自愿维护,否则本手册页不再更新.如果发现手册页和软件之间有所矛盾,请查对Info文件, Info文件是权威文档.如果我们发觉本本手册页的内容由于过时而导致明显的混乱和抱怨时,我们就停止发布它.不可能有其他选择,象更新Info文件同时更新man手册,因为其他维护GNU CC的工作没有留给我们时间做这个. GNU工程认为man手册 -Complete documentation of this manual page is
- This an short overview on how to use libcurl in your C programs. There are specific man pages for each function mentioned in here. There are also the libcurl-easy(3) man page, the libcurl-multi(3) man page, the libcurl-share(3) man page and the l
- Your shell prompt MUST adhere to the following format: o Current date (optional) and time (mandatory) followed by the hash sign (e.g., 13:03:00#) Your shell MUST support, at minimum, the following commands: o The internal shell co
EGE func
- ege的帮助文件,函数说明及其它项目。ege man,help doc(The manual has been rewritten and greatly expanded as of Dev-C++ version 5.5.2. It is still far from complete though, so don't hesitate to contribute by creating and sending me new pages or donating me.)