- 此源码为商用的电力抄表系统的主机端源程序。通过电力载波模块,由51单片机的串口接收并控制从机的抄表。-this source for the business of the electricity meter reading system mainframe terminal source. Through the power line carrier module, from 51 MCU serial reception from the plane and control of meter
- 此源码为商用的电力抄表系统的从机端源程序。通过电力载波模块,由51单片机的串口接收并控制从机的抄表。-this source for the business of the electricity meter reading system from the terminal source. Through the power line carrier module, from 51 MCU serial reception from the plane and control of meter.
- 一个功能比较完善的远程抄表软件,开发环境为vb,后台为acce-A function of relatively perfect remote meter reading software, development environment for vb, the background for acce
- stm32读写DL645电表的子函数程序,独立封装,调用即可-stm32 Functions meter reading and writing program DL645, independent package, you can call
- 电力方面远程抄表的三张电路图,用PROTEL 打开-Electricity of the three remote meter reading schematics, using PROTEL Open
- 红外抄表系统的源代码。利用非电信号传送控制信息和数据信息,以实现遥控或遥测的功能。包括 通信方式,通信协议,三相电度表通信程序,手持抄表器通信程序等。-Infrared meter reading system s source code. The use of non-electrical signal transmission control information and data information in order to achieve remote control or tele
- 远程抄表系统的客户端程序 安徽六安项目-客户端程序 0 开发环境 Delphi 7.0 所需控件 mxOutlookBar 数 据 库 Sybase 11.5 1 04-12-17 根据安徽六安项目需求开发。 2 04-12-31 基本功能模块定义完毕。 05-01-10 开发基本完毕。 3 05-3月下旬 六安现场调试、测试、试运行、正式运行。 4 05-07-19 更改可以远方调试DSP参数,新增加 50 - 59号指
- 毕业设计时制作的一套水位遥测自控系统,本系统以AT89S51单片机为主控单元,通过超声波传感器和液位变送器实现液位实时数据的检测和自动控制。系统分主控站与测控站,通过主控站的键盘可以实现对测控站的水位上下限的控制和显示。主控站与测控站之间的无线实时数据传输的解决方案采用广泛应用于无线抄表、工业数据采集系统和水文气象监控等领域的无线通信芯片nRF24L01组成无线高速数据收发模块。系统实现对所监控水位的短矩离无线测量与自动控制,利用GFSK实现数据高速传送以及较低的功耗。从测控站传送过来的数据通过
- VB编写的基于645规约的电表行业485通讯抄表程序,可以进行485总线抄表,645规约测试。技术要点就是对规约数据传输协议的处理,如向电表发送数据时的控制码和数据长度、发送的数据部分包括数据标识 + 密码 + 数据、应答帧长度、结束标志等通讯协议的处理值得学习。 -VB prepared the Statute based on the 645 meter 485 meter-reading process industries can be carried out 485 meter, 64
- 本文从远传抄表的传输方式以及发达国家的家庭网络技术,较全面的介绍了国外远传抄表系统,对我国智能远传抄表系统新产品的研发有一定的参考价值。-This text is based on the transmission means of telemeterrecording and household network technologies of in developed countries,more overall introduction the system of telemeter
- M-bus自动抄表系统中的经常使用的TSS721A开发文档。对软硬件开发均有帮助。-M-bus automatic meter reading system in the development of frequently used documents TSS721A. On the development of both hardware and software.
- 电力线载波应用,电力线载波通信技术用于自动抄表(AMR,集中抄表)系统.-Power line carrier applications, power line carrier communication technology for automatic meter reading (AMR, Automatic Meter Reading) systems.
- 用于远程抄表系统中的一个现场数据采集模块,精确到小数点后2位,可采集2路单脉冲2路双脉冲,并向上位机提供数据-For remote meter reading system in a field data acquisition module, accurate to two decimal places can capture 2-way single-pulse 2-way dual-pulse, to the host computer to provide data
- meter reading software with paskal tpu files-meter reading software with paskal tpu files
- 电表通信协议IEC-1107规约程序,实现抄表、较表功能-Meter communication protocol IEC-1107 Statute of the program, to achieve meter reading, compared with the table function
- RF based Automatic meter reading, or AMR, is the technology of automatically collecting data from energy meter and transferring that data to a central database for billing and/or analyzing. This means that billing can be based on actual consumption r
- 远程抄表系统,有服务端和客户端。客户端负责采集数据,服务端通过发送命令收集各客户端的读数,包括功率、电压、电流等。-Remote meter reading system, a service and client. The client is responsible for collecting data, the server by sending commands to collect the client' s reading, including power, voltage,
- 通过数据终端设备控制远程多功能电表进行数据抄读和断送电等操作。-Data terminal equipment through the remote control multi-function meter reading and data copy operation ruined electricity.
- 基于51单片机的红外抄表器的软件编程,lcd字幕显示,可实现抄表清零输入等基本功能-Based on 51 single-chip infrared meter reading software programming
- 基于51单片机实现红外无线抄表系统,文件中包含了主机和从机代码-achieveing infrared wireless meter reading system based on 51 MCU , the file contains the master and slave code